--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> I have known a number of people over the years, of both
> sexes, who have rather keenly developed psychic abilities.
> Almost all of them, when we got to talking, would mention
> that they had grown quite used to gay people coming up 
> and hitting on them, just *assuming* that they were gay,
> too. They weren't. What we consensually decided was that
> what the gay folks hitting on them were picking up on
> was their highly active psychic (or occult) side, and 
> because they associated that vibe with being gay, merely
> assumed that when they saw it in someone else, *they*
> were gay, too.
The one thing I've noticed over the years, is that when I am passing someone on 
the street or elsewhere, there will usually be some acknowledgment.  May a nod, 
maybe a "hey".  Just something that happens, and my wife has commented on it as 

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