Yeah, we're a rough crowd! My feeling is that Fairfield is rather saturated 
with people who offer techniques such as craniosacral or similar, so it might 
be hard to get a foothold here, at least at first. But Fairfield is a wonderful 
place to live if you have some other source of immediate income.

--- In, david allen <davaceta@...> wrote:
> Oops, in trouble again.  I wuz just writing an intro to a seemingly 
> inclusive group...
> --- On Wed, 2/20/13, authfriend <authfriend@...> wrote:
> From: authfriend <authfriend@...>
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Alex--this is spam (was Re: Yer chatter is bulging 
> my Inbox!)
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2013, 6:32 PM
> --- In, david allen wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Kyho, Iowans!
> >  
> > I keep thinking to get off this chatter-group, but only for the unexpected 
> > volume of messaging.  there are plenty of interesting topics to help get 
> > a wider perception of what You Folks are pondering out there.   And just 
> > curious, are there good career-opportunities in FF for aging 
> > "executive-governors"?   Finally grok-ing some of the diverse spiritual 
> > development advice & practices i've endured or enjoyed,  i might be a 
> > good candidate for any quiet, guidance-oriented opening in Fairfield, or 
> > environs.  
> >  
> > As a registered craniosacral therapist, i figure that You All, like 
> > everybody, could use some quiet, extended-touch sessions.  Using a 
> > fluidbody paradigme with an acquired, nature-oriented attention-span, my 
> > experiences as a recipient, and as a practitioner, seem alot like that 
> > described as the old Catharic rite of "Consolament".  Reportedly the 
> > sacrament of spiritual baptism, it is described as an arcane method of 
> > human hand-touch ("imposition of hands") which helps to prepare recipients 
> > to confront the Great Mystery.  It was advised for the clergy, often 
> > requested by dying Cathars, and especially by those expecting torture and 
> > immolation for heresy at the 'hands' of christian-mercenaries during the 
> > 1190 - 1220 CE Albigensian (first internal) Crusade conducted in Southern 
> > France, by the Roman Church.  
> >  
> > Cathars and others sought Consolamentum to rehearse the experience 
> > infusion of Spirit and 'body-dropping'.   For myself, vivid Hubble-like 
> > perceptions of a Pleroma of un-winking stars; visceral cotton-lightness; 
> > endless radiant space; etc, all give confidence to advise looking closer 
> > into the BCST paradigme.   And maybe try some sessions.  They could 
> > help Us All settle deeply into silent and soothing somatic tempos -- just 
> > like when we were tiny, embryonic, aquatic prenates... 
> >

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