--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> > From NYTimes page:
> > Jack Forem Boise, Idaho
> > "I recently released an updated version of a book on TM written in the 
> > 1970s. I thought the update would take me a couple of months, but the 
> > process of sorting through the vast amount of published, top-quality, 
> > peer-reviewed scientific research, and the number of compassionate and 
> > helpful programs such as those cited in the article on David Lynch's 
> > foundation, kept me engaged in research and writing for two years. I have 
> > practiced TM since 1967, taught it, and helped to train TM teachers. Yet I 
> > must say I was overwhelmed – and I do not use that word lightly – by the 
> > extent and depth of the benefits I uncovered in my research. From greatly 
> > improved health, better educational outcomes, stress reduction, and the 
> > awakening to higher states of consciousness, to replicated interventions in 
> > war-torn areas that resulted in calm and peace, the benefits of TM are 
> > thoroughly demonstrated and truly extraordinary. I find it sad that some 
> > misinformed and/or angry people find it necessary to attack such a good 
> > thing, that has helped, and is helping, so many. I would urge them to 
> > investigate more deeply and re-think their position."
> > 
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/24/magazine/david-lynch-transcendental-meditation.html?pagewanted=all&_r=1&;
> But all of these angry people are TMers for whom it didn't
> work or who got fed up with the way the organisation
> operated after working there for years and thus can't really
> be said to be misinformed.

Well, if you look at the comments on the Lynch article,
most of the negative ones are not from former TMers (or
current TMers, for that matter). Among TM critics
generally, a significant number have never done TM. They
object to the price of instruction, or assume all gurus
are frauds, or all Eastern spiritual groups are cults or
(among fundamentalists) tools of Satan, or are scornful
of the TM-Sidhis and particularly Yogic Flying, or the
TM research, etc., etc.

And even former TMers can be misinformed on some topics.

> But their story was somehow neglected from his research?

He seems to have been researching the research on TM's
benefits, not TM's public image.

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