And the irony is that it would cost far less to fund a single payer 
health care system than wars abroad for empire.

On 02/26/2013 10:40 PM, seekliberation wrote:
> I think the health care system in America is an anamoly.  I remember getting 
> into a conversation with someone on FFL about it and he was from Britain.  He 
> explained how his father paid a relatively small tax every month in order to 
> get universal health coverage, and his father was happy to pay for it.  Then 
> I pointed out 'That's The Problem....he was happy to pay for it!'.  Every 
> time Americans are provided with something and taxed for it, they complain 
> about the taxes.  But when it is privatized, they'll pay a lot more, albeit 
> they'll probably get better service.  But then only wealthy people can afford 
> it.
> To me, it's not just a health care issue, it's an attitude issue.  If you're 
> going to complain about high costs of health care AND complain about being 
> taxed if universal health care is provided, then you are simply impossible to 
> please.
> seekliberation

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