"With old age comes inflexibility and the loss of mental agility which is more 
than evident in your posts"

Actually, I think you must *work* on closing your mind, to have that occur as 
you age. Both my father in law at 86, and my dear departed father, at 89, have 
and had far more flexible and open minds than Barry does. 

Of course both had a lot more real life experience that he ever will. He is a 
perfect example of what my wife refers to as, "too much self-referencing". Ne 
lives in his head, with a very spotty consciousness.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > I think a little balance is in order, and hope to
> > provide some from time to time. If my doing so 
> > occasionally causes people to act like the cultists
> > they are and go all reactive and paranoid and nasty
> > trying to demonize me, that's just gravy. THEY make
> > my points FOR me by doing so.
> As I've pointed out before, lately you have lost it probably because you've 
> become OLD. With old age comes inflexibility and the loss of mental agility 
> which is more than evident in your posts about the only enlightened teacher 
> you ever met, however briefly more than 40 years ago. 
> It's as if you have to remind yourself of your less than positive points 
> again and again here on FFL becuase NOONE else listens to you anymore except 
> the occasional new bully in the class. So again and again now for years you 
> are posting the same old, same old without having the discrimination which 
> comes from a fresh mind to realize that that's what it is; same old.
> It should be obvious for you by now that you don't create the reaction you 
> are craving for anymore, "the cultists
> > they are and go all reactive and paranoid and nasty
> > trying to demonize me," These "cultists" don't bother about you rants 
> > anymore, you've become permanently irrelevant. Even I go into "ZZzzzz" mode 
> > when you post another of you rants we've read so many times before. 
> Get over it Turq, enjoy your retirement and autoumn years instead.

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