From: edno...@natel.net
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 12:15:37 -0500


              As you may be aware, our fellow warrior, L.B. Shriver is facing a 
serious health issue.  He has agreed to meet with the Men next Thursday, March 
21, 2013 at 7:30 at the Phoenix Rising Hall, (previously First Christian 
Church, 207 W. Burlington). Enter at Northwest entrance.

              The evening is called "The Life and Times of L.B. Shriver".  
Please come prepared to give your Love and fond memories to each other and Mr. 

              This is a Men Only event. 

              Please r.s.v.p.. However, even late arrivals are welcome.

              Anyone with love in their heart, and the requisite anatomy is 

              INVITE all men you feel would want to be there!

              The legendary drum will be used to inaugurate the event (drummers 

              Bring Legacy and Power objects.


              Looking forward to a wonderful and eventful evening.

Coordinators, Ed Noyes and Jonas Magram.



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