BANK CLOSED IN CYPRUS! Government to seize 10 percent of all savings &
All banks will this weekend have electronic transfer frozen while a
bailout is brought in and then on Tuesday, 19 March, ten percent of all 
savings will be taken from every depositor and transferred to central
planners and banksters who take on all this risk and when it backfires,
don't want to take a haircut.

The most plausible explanation is that the Cypriot government "ask for a
contribution of all deposit holders,"is not to wipe out non-resident
depositors and jeopardise its long-term prospects as an offshore
financial centre for Russian and other money . Depositors have come
through the financial crisis largely unscathed. Now they have been
bailed in, see strong social indignation and the beginning of something
along the lines of the 1930s

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