And what do you consider whining about the effects of a relatively light 
sentence handed down on two punks who abused an unconscious girl? 

Juvenile? Insensitive? Adding to the already atrocious attitudes about women 
who are raped and sexually abused and the boys will be boys attitude about 
their attackers? 

Or is it ok to express such attitudes when one is a TM Practitioner? 

If TM celebrities are people to be looked up to since their TM practice makes 
them phenomenal people, surely they should be held to even a modicum of decent 
behavior, I am not even suggesting a higher standard of behavior than poor 
non-TM'ers. Now here is a subject for discussion on FFL and I have probably 
posted out.

 From: feste37 <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 8:48 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and its Rock Stars

You are not a disciplined thinker, MJ. You just pour out anything that enters 
your head, and you seem obsessed with criticizing other people's behavior. I 
find it all very juvenile. 

--- In, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@...> wrote:
> tell it to the tens of thousands of people who are reviling her for her 
> sympathy for a couple of true idiots and abusers of a passed out 16 year old 
> girl - in true TM addle-headed fashion, you are excusing asinine behavior 
> purely because it is behavior of a TM'er and a TM'er who has been used to 
> tout the greatness of TM - deal with it feste - TM is no panacea and a whole 
> bunch of these celebrities like Howard Stern, Russell Brand, and Lynch 
> himself are, perversely excellent poster children of TM for their bad 
> behavior because it unintentionally highlights all that is screwed up and 
> hypocritical in the Movement, but much like those who post some trivial bull 
> manure that is happening in Latin America as "proof" of Raja Luis's 
> phenomenal success in setting up flying groups there, while ignoring the 
> other 25 things that are gong wrong in the same geographical area, you 
> continue to embrace fantasy as reality.
> ________________________________
>  From: feste37 <feste37@...>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 9:24 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and its Rock Stars
> Only an idiot would use this to take a swipe at TM. Time to grow up, MJ. I 
> watched it. She is not "oozing sympathy." There's nothing wrong with what she 
> says. She's pursuing the story, that's all. The youth of the defendants, and 
> what will happen to them, is part of that story. 
> --- In, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@> wrote:
> >
> > Candy Crowley Oozes Sympathy for Steubenville Rapists
> >
> > 
> > Candy Crowley, proud practitioner of TM is nearly as good an example of 
> > what TM can do for folks as cussing chain smoking David Lynch
> >


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