--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> Commenting as I go along
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@>
> wrote:
> >
> > Thank you for this balanced view, Steve. It helped me
> > clarify my own thoughts and feelings about it. Isn't it
> > usually the news director who chooses the angle of a
> > news story? I thought Crowley's intro of the reporter
> > was objective.
> Well, that makes two of us.
> > It was the reporter Harlow who was initially sympathetic
> > to the 2 boys.
> Of course.  That would be the opinion of just about anybody
> who didn't have an agenda they wanted to push.

I find it positively bizarre that *anyone* could revile
either Crowley or Harlow for how they reported this.
Recognizing the negative consequences of a punishment 
for the perpetrators of a crime does NOT mean one does
not think the punishment was well deserved or that the
crime wasn't horrifying.

I sure didn't detect even a trace of "boys will be boys"
in that report.

These kids did something incredibly stupid and cruel and
insensitive, and they're going to regret it for the rest
of their lives. Is it "sympathy" to point that out?

What would count as "decent" behavior in this circumstance?
Schadenfreude? Should Crowley and Harlow have *gloated*
over the sentence? Should they have refrained from
discussing the *fact* that the scene in the courtroom was
highly emotional? Nobody said the emotion was all in
favor of the boys. Common sense tells you it would have
been split between those who were relieved the boys were
convicted and would serve time, and those who had been
hoping they'd get off.

I'm not a fan of Crowley regardless of the fact that she's
a TMer, BTW. But I can't find any fault in her reporting in
this instance.

One should also bear in mind that this breaking news report
was hardly the only discussion of this crime and trial on
CNN. I don't watch CNN, but I'd be astonished if folks who
were distinctly unsympathetic to the boys hadn't had their
say as well.

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