OMG - thank you so much, love you Barry baby, XOXO, blessings, namaste,
love, light n' laughter - crisis averted - yaay !!!

I was terrified as I started to read your words Barry baby because I knew
as soon I was done reading it, it would trigger another bout of depression
as I started fantasizing life in Majorca, and feeling sorry for my pathetic
life here in San Diego.

Barry baby - can I have a list of all cities that you have ever lived in so
I would know which post to avoid if it looks like the discussion's veering
towards how awesome you think that place is and start feeling sorry for
people like me? I think I still haven't recovered from your  Paris posts
yet - the Sunsets at the beach  and the babes don't look the same anymore
and you very well know how my sanity depends on this.

P.S. Curtis - can you please take these kinds of discussions offline -
considering the fragility of FFL members like me. Thank you - blessings,
namaste, love, light n' laughter, XOXO.

On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 9:44 PM, turquoiseb <>wrote:

> **
> --- In, "curtisdeltablues"
> <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote:
> >
> > Hey Barry,
> >
> > Would you mind rapping about Majorca for a minute?
> > I have been offered a crib there for a vacation with
> > my GF from a Scandinavian couple living here, who
> > owns a place, but never goes there.
> >
> > I'm imagining fresh octopus and sardines right off
> > the boat, simmering in olive oil, and then hit with
> > lemon before serving. It is on the side that faces
> > Ibiza right on the water. The connection with the
> > old movement days adds a comic twist to it all.
> > Any thoughts?
> Almost none, sorry. While there on TTC I was
> a good little TM robot and pretty much stayed
> in the hotel rounding my ass off. No tourism
> whatsoever, barely even a walk along the beach.
> And later, while living in Spain, I never got
> over there. So I really can't tell you much
> about the place.
> The only food-related thing I can remember is
> how fresh the almonds tasted. Any food we had
> there on TM courses had pretty much been ruined
> by TMO cooks, and wouldn't have reflected the
> local culture at all.

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