--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> My post could have inspired more along the lines of Ann's
> response, but to get that I had to wade through the three
> usual suspects trying to use this as an opportunity for a
> put-down of me personally and some name calling.  It makes
> the place highly unpleasant.  I think we have pissed away
> a chance at a place where real thinking collaboration can
> occur.  Trolls try to dominate with their agenda.

You know, Curtis, I don't believe I've ever seen you
scold Barry for being a troll (or "pushing buttons,"
as he prefers to call it).

Oh, wait, never mind. He never trolls *you*, just the
folks who don't like you (or him). Of course you
wouldn't scold him.
> Judy accuses me of gloating over good fortune and being
> immodest, and criticizes me for not inviting everyone
> else to comment?!

Nothing wrong with gloating over good fortune, as far as
I'm concerned (as I just got done telling Emily). And I 
didn't accuse you of being immodest, nor did I criticize
you for not inviting everyone else to comment.

But I sure do seem to have pushed your buttons. Why don't
you just follow Barry's advice and IGNORE MY DEMENTED ASS?
You know, the way he does?

Oh, wait...

All I said to start with was that I would think you'd have
Barry's email address. If you hadn't responded--defensively
and at length--I bet nobody but you would have discerned
my evil motivations.

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