> > Your attempt to take this post as immodest is such 
> > a contrived sack of shit.
> > 
> > Your specialty. 
> >
> The Judyborg lives in fuckin' New Jersey, ferchrissakes,
So, you're thinking that living on a dank, man-made canal 
rates higher than living on the beach of an ocean? Go figure.

> and probably leaves only to visit relatives in the US.
Maybe, but if she wanted to, Judy could probably afford to 
visit anywhere in the world.

"It is also the third-wealthiest U.S. state by 2011 median 
household income."

> *Of course* going anywhere else would sound to her
> like bragging or "immodesty." She's a classic example
> of Golda Meir's famous statement, "Don't be humble. 
> You're not that great." She has nothing to be modest
> ABOUT. :-)
> > Every board has trolls like you whose only purpose 
> > here is to spew your toxic nature to strangers on 
> > the Internet. 
> Amen. 

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