"Allegory of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ" by Pat Devonas:

Dr. Michael Shermer attempts to rebut Dr. Eben Alexander's NDE as being 
genuinely "out of body" and supernatural. (Alexander is a neurosurgeon who had 
an NDE. Claims he traveled out of the body into supernatural dimensions in 
which he met deceased relatives, and listened to the OM.)
Shermer in Scientific American, Apr 2013, 86, essentially uses a "similarity" 
argument coupled with Occam's Razor. Shermer states: "Migraine headaches also 
produce halluncinations, which Sacks [neurologist Oliver Sacks] himself has 
experienced as a longtime sufferer, including a 'shimmering light' that was 
'dazzlingly bring'" etc, etc, clouds, blah, blah.  
Then Shermer goes on to make the comparison:  "Compare Sack's experience with 
that of Alexander's trip to heaven, where he was "in a place of clouds. Big, 
puffy, pink-white ones that showed up sharply against the deep blue-black sky.  
Higher than the clouds - immeasurably higher - flocks of transparent, 
shimmering beings arced across the sky, leaving long, streamerlike lines behind 
Then Shermer says "In any case, there is a reason they are called 'near'-death 
experiences: the people who have then are not actually dead". Also he inquires 
how Alexander could have a memory of the experiences.
Finally, Dr. Shermer states "To me, this evidence is proof of hallucination, 
not heaven."
[his arguments on the whole are similar to those of Sam Harris].

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