On 04/10/2013 02:34 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
>> On 04/10/2013 01:28 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
>>> So it's been a busy day, what with us having to rush out a
>>> release of the product I'm working on (which BTW is on the
>>> short list for Best Mobile Development Environment in a poll
>>> being conducted by a fairly respected global software
>>> organization). So I'm kicking back in my 'hood in the 5th
>>> arrondissement in a pizza joint across the street from where
>>> I live, with a glass of Westmalle Tripel, my laptop, and a
>>> football game on the TV all in front of me.
>> The two multi-platform environments I have looked at and in
>> some cases tried are Corona and Marmalade. I think both fell
>> short of what I needed or required learning another API. I
>> know for one you still needed a Mac if you were going to do
>> iOS apps.
> Duh. Try to download the iOS SDK to any platform other
> than a Mac. Can't be done. On the product I'm working
> on, you can develop hybrid HTML5, CSS, and Javascript
> apps for multiple platforms, but *of course* you need
> to add proprietary code to take advantage of the weirdo
> aspects of each platform and add proprietary Java or
> Objective-C code to them. When developing for the Mac,
> you need to *compile on the Mac*. There is simply no
> way around that, because Apple won't download its SDK
> to other platforms. I'm surprised you didn't know that.

Au contraire, I know that very well.  I even purchased a small game SDK 
that allowed one to compile and run an iOS app on Windows.  Then you 
could upload the code to the company and they would compile on a Mac and 
even publish it for you.  It was too light for my needs.

And actually I was able to download example source and docs on iOS from 
Apple.  One was a little example game which I converted to Android.  
Gave me a good idea of how Cocoa worked and how much I could just cheat 
on developing an iOS app.  For iOS I could just hack an example for the 
GUI and everything else would be in C++.

> That does not say that a multi-platform development IDE
> doesn't have its place, and its advantages. Our users
> are currently "building once, deploying many times" for
> iOS (both iPhone and iPad), Blackberry, Android, Win8
> (both PC and Mobile) and several other platforms, with
> full security and authentication, integrated testing
> environments, and deployment environments built in. Plus,
> the IDE I'm working on is free for developers. Can
> either of the platforms you named rival that? I don't
> know, and am genuinely curious...

Corona just released a lighter free version.  I had their full version 
but the new one needs me to set up an account.  Most of these solutions 
make more sense for a corporate or that buzz word "enterprise" 
environment but not a bedroom developer.  Spread yourself too thin and 
you'll regret it as support is the backend of these things.  Fortunately 
I learned that in world class development in the 1990s.  A lot of this 
stuff is for business software development which I find boring.  I'm a 
jazz musician who likes to write computer code.  I'm sure you can just 
imagine how well that goes over with the biological androids who work in 
the tech industry.  Does work well with visionary entrepreneurs though.

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