--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" awoelflebater@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
<curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> > >
> > > And then there were two.
> >
> > I wonder what the chances are for three? Four? Eleven?
> Not much chance of the count going over four at this
> point. And as usual, the feedback provided to the
> instigator of all this hatred goes completely over
> her head, and is perceived as just another opportunity
> to try to lure both of us (and Share, her other "enemie
> de la semaine" who I forgot to include in my earlier
> posts) into extended tarbaby arguments with her. One
> has to wonder about a life so empty and so bitter that
> this is her only recreation.
> Well, I'm tired of it. There is nothing I can do to keep
> any of the four or five of them from posting what they
> want about me here, but there IS something I can do to
> try to persuade Judy to give up these attempts to get me
> to argue with her and "refute" or "defend myself" against
> her now 17-years-and-counting attacks on me. Here it is,
> in the clearest language I can manage, written last
> night but not sent because of a faulty Net connection:
> Because Judy seems to still labor under the delusion that
> I feel she is worth arguing with, I will indeed reply
> to her, but not quite in the way she expects.
> I apologize in advance to those here who will feign
> affront or indignation at the way I am going to phrase
> this, but from my point of view I am dealing with an
> insane person who JUST DOESN'T GET IT, so I'm going
> to have to put things in language that even *she*
> might understand. Maybe.
> If the person who is trying her best to get me to
> argue with her to "defend myself" against her lame-o
> attacks thinks she will succeed, she has *seriously*
> missed who I am and what I think of her. Allow me
> to explain, to hopefully put an end to this embar-
> rassing (on her part) ego-posturing:
> If I were out in the woods, say at a "rough it" camp
> or a military bivouac, I might encounter the...uh...
> primitive sanitary devices that are constructed in
> such sites. For example, feeling the call of nature
> (a #2 experience, in TMO terms), I might find my way
> to a long latrine trench dug in the dirt, over which
> one squats on makeshift "seats" constructed of sticks
> bound together with twine, upon which one rests one's
> butt while...uh...doing one's business.
> If, finding myself perched on one of these devices,
> I looked down and found Judy Stein immediately below
> me at the bottom of the trench, rather than take a dump
> on her I would compassionately get up and move to a seat
> at the other end of the trench. The compassion in this
> case would not be for her, but for my own shit. I could
> not take the chance of it being fouled and its vibe
> being lowered as the result of coming into contact
> with Judy Stein.
> Are we clear now, Jude?


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