yeah, you are pretty much like that caricature, sitting around at your  desk, 
all day, drinking coffee while sitting on your rather ample backside. Only you 
don't solve crimes - you're just another worker bee, chugging Java. Impressive, 
Barry. Kool thang.

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> For those in foreign countries who don't know, the stereo-
> typical view of police involves them stopping in four or
> five times a day while on duty to snorf down some donuts. 
> It's such a cliche that comics and TV shows and movies 
> do riffs on it. American cops pretty much = donuts. 
> So while Boston panics and hides indoors from one Big Bad
> Terrorist and other business have been shut down by the
> city, what stores get to stay open? You guessed it. 
> The funniest thing is the pixelated photo accompanying
> the article in the HuffPost. That's subtle.

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