> > > I like you Uncle Tantrum. However, sometimes you are 
> > > a complete dick when you double down on previous 
> > > statements. There are people experiencing fear. 
> > >

> > My point was then -- and is now -- twofold. First, that
> > JohnR's title for this thread was DUMB, PANICKY, and
> > DUMB again. Boston was not "under terrorist attack."
> > Some police were chasing *two guys*, who gave them 
> > trouble when cornered. This is NOT a "terrorist attack."
> > 
> > Second, and more important, what you describe as the
> > people of Boston "experiencing fear" is my larger and
> > more important point. THE FEAR IS MISPLACED. One's
> > chances of being killed or injured by a terrorist in
> > America are orders of magnitude smaller than one's
> > chances of being struck by lightning TWICE.
> >
> Totally bogus "statistic." The appropriate comparison
> in this case would be between one's chances of being
> struck by lightning when outside during a thunderstorm
> versus being killed or injured by a terrorist *in
> Boston yesterday* before he was caught.
> (snip)
> > as it turned out, "emptying the streets" had nothing
> > whatsoever to do with finding the last suspect. He 
> > was found fairly near to the area he fled, hiding in
> > a boat or something like that.
> >
> The point of shutting down the city was to make it
> much more difficult for the suspect to leave the area.
> So in fact it had everything to do with his being
> found and captured.
> (snip)
> > > Apparently, 1 perp was killed, one captured, and 
> > > one is being hunted. 
> > >
> > I don't remember the last part. The articles I've
> > seen haven't mentioned anyone still at large.
> >
> There were many such reports. Law enforcement was
> checking out any number of leads to possible
> accomplices. They may still be doing so for all we
> know, just not announcing it.
> (snip) 
> > > Apparently the perps were armed with grenades and 
> > > other explosive devices. 
> > >
> > Now you're doing the same thing Dumbo...uh...I mean
> > Jimbo did. In NO article have I see the word "grenade."
> > They had clumsy and cumbersome homemade explosive
> > devices.
> >
> Barry won't do this, but if he were to search for
> +"Marathon bombing" +Watertown +grenades
> he'd find many such articles. Yes, they ultimately
> turned out to be homemade grenades, among other
> explosive devices, but that wasn't clear for some
> time. What they threw out the car windows into the
> path of the police as they were being chased into
> Watertown were pipe bombs, not cumbersome at all.
> (snip)
> > Yes they did. More important to the point I'm making,
> > they caused BILLIONS OF DOLLARS of losses to the city
> > of Boston, and caused MILLIONS OF PEOPLE to cower in
> > their homes.
> >
> Most people in Boston were not "cowering in their
> homes," they were obeying orders from law enforcement.
> The "cowering" folks were mostly in Watertown, where
> the suspect was thought to be hiding following a
> ferocious gun battle with the police in their streets.
> And the cops found a number of explosive devices the
> two suspects had left on the streets of the
> neighborhood. The people of Watertown had good reason
> to cower inside as long as the suspect was on the loose
> in the area.
> Plus which, having people stay indoors made things a
> lot safer for the police, because if necessary they
> could shoot the suspect before he could shoot or throw
> explosives at them, without having to worry about
> civilians getting in the way.
> And according to Matthew Yglesias in Slate, the cost
> of the shutdown won't be anywhere near even $1 billion:
> http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2013/04/19/shutting_boston_down_won_t_cost_1_billion.html
> http://tinyurl.com/cv37tgd
> Bottom line, Barry was wrong in just about everything 
> he's said, other than that John's thread title was dumb.
John's title was on target - terrorists had attacked 
Boston. Barry's reply was really dumb - thanks for the
good work on this thread. 

> But he will never admit it; he'll continue, in az's phrase,
> to be a complete dick about it. Nothing new about that,
> goodness knows.
Barry would probably be cowering in fear too, if there 
was a armed terrorist hiding out in his boat in his back 

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