--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey <no_reply@> wrote:
> > I like you Uncle Tantrum. However, sometimes you are a complete
> > dick when you double down on previous statements. There are 
> > people experiencing fear. 
> >
> My point was then -- and is now -- twofold. First, that
> JohnR's title for this thread was DUMB, PANICKY, and
> DUMB again. Boston was not "under terrorist attack."
> Some police were chasing *two guys*, who gave them 
> trouble when cornered. This is NOT a "terrorist attack."
> Second, and more important, what you describe as the
> people of Boston "experiencing fear" is my larger and
> more important point. THE FEAR IS MISPLACED. One's
> chances of being killed or injured by a terrorist in
> America are orders of magnitude smaller than one's
> chances of being struck by lightning TWICE.

Totally bogus "statistic." The appropriate comparison
in this case would be between one's chances of being
struck by lightning when outside during a thunderstorm
versus being killed or injured by a terrorist *in
Boston yesterday* before he was caught.

> as it turned out, "emptying the streets" had nothing
> whatsoever to do with finding the last suspect. He 
> was found fairly near to the area he fled, hiding in
> a boat or something like that.

The point of shutting down the city was to make it
much more difficult for the suspect to leave the area.
So in fact it had everything to do with his being
found and captured.

> > Apparently, 1 perp was killed, one captured, and 
> > one is being hunted. 
> I don't remember the last part. The articles I've
> seen haven't mentioned anyone still at large.

There were many such reports. Law enforcement was
checking out any number of leads to possible
accomplices. They may still be doing so for all we
know, just not announcing it.

> > Apparently the perps were armed with grenades and 
> > other explosive devices. 
> Now you're doing the same thing Dumbo...uh...I mean
> Jimbo did. In NO article have I see the word "grenade."
> They had clumsy and cumbersome homemade explosive
> devices.

Barry won't do this, but if he were to search for
+"Marathon bombing" +Watertown +grenades
he'd find many such articles. Yes, they ultimately
turned out to be homemade grenades, among other
explosive devices, but that wasn't clear for some
time. What they threw out the car windows into the
path of the police as they were being chased into
Watertown were pipe bombs, not cumbersome at all.

> Yes they did. More important to the point I'm making,
> they caused BILLIONS OF DOLLARS of losses to the city
> of Boston, and caused MILLIONS OF PEOPLE to cower in
> their homes.

Most people in Boston were not "cowering in their
homes," they were obeying orders from law enforcement.
The "cowering" folks were mostly in Watertown, where
the suspect was thought to be hiding following a
ferocious gun battle with the police in their streets.
And the cops found a number of explosive devices the
two suspects had left on the streets of the
neighborhood. The people of Watertown had good reason
to cower inside as long as the suspect was on the loose
in the area.

Plus which, having people stay indoors made things a
lot safer for the police, because if necessary they
could shoot the suspect before he could shoot or throw
explosives at them, without having to worry about
civilians getting in the way.

And according to Matthew Yglesias in Slate, the cost
of the shutdown won't be anywhere near even $1 billion:



Bottom line, Barry was wrong in just about everything 
he's said, other than that John's thread title was dumb.

But he will never admit it; he'll continue, in az's phrase,
to be a complete dick about it. Nothing new about that,
goodness knows.

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