OK, that works for me.  We both expressed our POV.  I'm sure you have a busy 
weekend "getting" people to attend to, so I'll leave you to it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> >  So far I am happy with your response.  If anyone was interested in 
> > following our different points of view on this, it is all here.
> > 
> > You are arguing with me about how I felt about someone else at different 
> > points of time, and my intentions toward them.  You are an ill wisher and 
> > your take on my interaction with Robin is unflattering to both of us, 
> > because despite your show, you don't give a damn about him either. He is 
> > another expendable pawn in your get people routine.
> Curtis, read this carefully: Your fantasies about the
> nature of my relationship with Robin are just that,
> fantasies, wishful thinking. They always have been.
> As to my response to your post, you got busted--factually--
> on quite a few of your major points. I would never expect
> you to admit this, and goodness knows there isn't any
> way you can refute it. But you know and I know that you
> fouled up big time.
> > Some comments near the middle to end.
> (terasnip) 
> > > Here's what I *am* addressing:
> > > 
> > > 1. Curtis's lie that Robin was seriously warning him, in
> > > one of his very first posts to Curtis, that Curtis was not
> > > to question Robin's experience of Unity consciousness.
> > 
> > He ended up being just as touchy about that as I had
> > feared.  He was a master of mixed messages and none of
> > it is as easy to figure out as Judy's malicious reduction
> > paints it.
> Let me say it another way: Curtis's lie that Robin was
> seriously warning him, in one of his very first posts to
> Curtis, that Curtis was not to question Robin's experience
> of Unity consciousness. Notice that Curtis's rejoinder does
> not relate to what I identified as a lie.
> > > 2. Curtis's even bigger lie that his relationship with
> > > Robin fell apart because Robin would not countenance
> > > Curtis's refusal to accept Robin's experience of Unity
> > > consciousness decades previously.>
> > 
> > Judy is painting my opinion about what the falling out was
> > as a lie because she believes she really knows what no one
> > can know.  Malicious bullshit.
> Hand-waving.
> > > (Note for the excessively literal-minded: Robin does
> > > not consider himself enlightened *now* and thinks
> > > himself lucky not to be.)
> > 
> > He is still very attached to the so called fact that he was
> > actually enlightened.
> Yes, indeedy, he sure is. I never suggested otherwise. In
> fact, I do believe I made this very point myself.
> > It supports his view that his cockamamie view of God today
> > is based on a profound experience of reality.
> Has nothing to do with his experience of Unity consciousness.
> This is his post-enlightenment experience of reality.
> > He has maintained some of the same epistemological issues
> > that I object to in "enlightened" guys.
> No doubt. Has nothing to do with the point I'm making
> (except to reinforce my point that Curtis was after
> Robin's epistemology from the start).
> > > The first lie was fabricated as justification for the
> > > second lie. The first lie is easily disposed of by
> > > simply looking at that very early exchange. The second
> > > lie can only be refuted factually by reading all the
> > > posts that followed the one to which I gave a link,
> > > which I did yesterday just to make absolutely sure I
> > > hadn't been misrepresenting anything.>
> > 
> > Perfect example of what I was talking about.
> Hand-waving.
> > > I had not been. The issue of Robin's experience of Unity
> > > consciousness did not come up as a topic of discussion
> > > in any of those posts that document the breakdown of
> > > his relationship with Curtis. It was a nontopic.
> > 
> > Not for me it wasn't.  I was always aware of it.
> Let me say it another way: The issue of Robin's
> experience of Unity consciousness did not come up as a
> topic of discussion in any of those posts that document
> the breakdown of his relationship with Curtis. It was a
> nontopic (except perhaps in Curtis's mind, because that's
> what he had wanted to go after in the first place).
> > > > > > The issue about me not scolding [Barry] was just a smokescreen.
> > > > > > It was all about my refusal to see him as ever being the
> > > > > > special enlightened guy that is key to his inflated identity.
> > > > > 
> > > > > This is also a lie. The issue about your not scolding Barry
> > > > > had to do with Robin's view of Barry's behavior not just
> > > > > toward Robin but toward me and others whom Barry habitually
> > > > > mistreated. Robin was hardly the only person making a point
> > > > > at that time of how you avoided dealing with Barry's rotten
> > > > > behavior.>
> > > > 
> > > > The assumptive bullshit projected here that I am responsible for 
> > > > scolding Barry for things that bother other people is amazing.
> > > 
> > > Context-shift here. Curtis is avoiding the real issue,
> > > which I stated immediately above: yet another attempt by
> > > Curtis to falsely claim his relationship with Robin came
> > > apart because Curtis wouldn't accept Robin's experience of
> > > Unity consciousness decades previously.
> > 
> > Here Judy is attempting to identify me making any other
> > point as a "context shift" when in fact anyone expressing
> > their point of view is a context shift.
> Not as I'm using the term, unless they very deliberately
> shift it *away* from the point at issue to a different one
> because they can't effectively deal with the original point.
> The discussion isn't about (1) whether Curtis is responsible
> for sanctioning Barry for his dreadful behavior, but about
> (2) whether Robin made such a point of it because Curtis
> refused "to see him as ever being the special enlightened
> guy that is key to his inflated identity," as Curtis claims.
> Two very different issues. Perfectly OK to bring up #1 as 
> a sort of sidebar after you've dealt with #2; not OK to
> substitute #1 for #2 and pretend it's the issue on the
> table so you don't *have* to deal with #2. (That claim
> is false, which is why Curtis needs to shift the context
> away from it.)
> This is what Curtis habitually does in hostile debate so that
> "nothing actually of what was inside what the other person
> wrote gets even faintly reflected inside what you
> subsequently write." This is a particularly crude example
> of it.
> (snip)
> > > Curtis, what I wrote immediately above was *about Robin*,
> > > not about you. How VERY weird you would make that mistake
> > > twice in a single post. I'm refuting *your* assumption 
> > > about Robin's reasons for objecting to your refusal to
> > > sanction Barry. They weren't a "smokescreen" to hide his
> > > frustration about your not accepting his Unity 
> > > consciousness experience decades ago. They had nothing to
> > > do with that.
> > 
> > Right your guess about what set Robin off is better than
> > mine, got it.
> Yes, it is better than yours. Yours was fabricated to
> support the Really Big Lie about why your relationship
> with Robin went off the rails.
> (snip)
> > > That's right. I do not believe that you believe, even in
> > > your most cynical moments, that Robin was trying to flatter
> > > you in order to manipulate you. (Another instance of Curtis
> > > doing what he berates me for doing, just for the record.)
> > > 
> > > > That is the thing I object to.
> > > 
> > > Tough. You long since destroyed any credibility you may
> > > have had with me.
> > > 
> > > > I don't care if you share you perspective and opinion, but don't claim 
> > > > you are proving a truth about my own perspective.  This view is 
> > > > entirely possible within my perspective of Robin.  It is not a "truth" 
> > > > even for me.  It is one of the polarities of my perspective.
> > > 
> > > As I say, I don't believe it's even a polarity. I think you
> > > made it up because you were pissed off at Robin's "orgasm"
> > > comment and were driven by the need for revenge.
> > 
> > Here you just go all the way off the rails in your bullshit assumptions. My 
> > response was that I thought it was icky.
> I don't believe you, but it's not particularly important.
> I don't believe your "flattering to manipulate" thesis is
> even a polarity; I think you made it up to revenge yourself
> on Robin, whatever reason you want to give for being so
> furiously angry that you had to write a post to Barry with
> more lies in it than any I've ever seen on FFL.
> (snip)
> > > My emotional response to how badly Robin was hurt by the
> > > dissolution of your relationship with him is 100 percent
> > > genuine, however.
> > 
> > Uh huh.  That is why you are choosing to focus on the most unflattering 
> > view of our online friendship in the beginning.  I'm sure he appreciates 
> > your concern.  
> I was 100 percent sold on your online friendship from the
> very beginning. It was some of the most fascinating and
> entertaining dialogue I've ever read on this or any other
> forum. It was brilliant, scintillating, enthralling. I
> posted to you both about how much I was enjoying it, if you
> recall.
> That is still my opinion of what went on until it finally
> collapsed in a bitter, ugly heap. That it *did* collapse
> doesn't detract in the slightest from what it was while
> it was still alive and kicking.
> (snip>
> > > > Here Judy claims that she knows "what they were about".  It was about a 
> > > > lot of stuff Judy, in our own personal lives.  You aren't the expert 
> > > > because you read them. The arrogance of your assumptions here are 
> > > > stunning.
> > > 
> > > I'm talking about *what the two of you wrote on FFL*. I'm as
> > > much of an expert on that as you are, perhaps more, since I
> > > reread all that stuff just yesterday and you only reread "some"
> > > of it.
> > 
> > I love this paragraph.  It sums up my whole point perfectly.
> More hand-waving.
> (snip)
> > > I'm referring to things like your little sniggering
> > > colloquy with Barry about Robin being unwilling to
> > > condense his five-part post, and your *unconscionably*
> > > cruel post to him after his "Open Letter to Barry"
> > > toward the end of January.
> > > 
> > > Robin has taken you apart pretty good on a number of
> > > occasions, but he's never written anything about you
> > > that even approached that kind of sadism.
> > 
> > Bet that made you cry too, right?
> It made me very angry, showed me what kind of person
> you really were underneath the Mr. Wonderful facade. I
> already had more than a glimmering, but this engraved
> it in stone.
> > > I also notice that recently you've been sticking in
> > > as many little digs as you can find room for referring
> > > to his stint as leader of WTS when he was having his
> > > Unity consciousness experience and insinuating that he
> > > is using the same tactics he did then. The point of
> > > those digs is not to get at Robin, it's to remind
> > > readers of his unsavory past. Very unpleasant and
> > > thoroughly unfair tactic that reflects extremely
> > > poorly on you.
> > 
> > He has continued the same tactics revealed in the book
> > about his cult.  So it involves something more current
> > than his cult days. 
> Curtis, I've read the book. His "tactics" now aren't
> what he was doing then even if you take the book's
> account to be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing
> but the truth. Apples and oranges.
> > > > > > I get it that you think you are getting me somehow by
> > > > > > doing this.  But your clueslessness to how you are
> > > > > > throwing Robin under the bus to achieve this end is
> > > > > > amazing.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Saving you the trouble, eh? You only wish that's what I
> > > > > was doing.>
> > > > 
> > > > But you are, and can't see it because your hate toward me 
> > > > blinds you.
> > > 
> > > Which bus would I be throwing him under, Curtis? (I'm asking
> > > pro forma; Curtis won't respond, or won't be specific.)
> > 
> > I've already told you many times.
> No, actually this post is the first time you've deigned
> to reveal what you've actually been insinuating.
> > You are choosing the most unflattering perspective that
> > diminishes the experience we had posting together at the
> > beginning.
> Well, as I've told you, the brilliance of that dialogue
> isn't at all tarnished by what happened at the end of
> it.
> I guess you must mean I'm throwing Robin under the bus
> because I've realized you, Curtis, went into the dialogue
> with ulterior motives, whereas Robin was utterly sincere
> and trusting?
> Wait, no, that doesn't work. That would be throwing
> *you*, Curtis, under the bus.
> Want to take another crack at it, see if you can make
> it come out right?
> > > "...What is left
> > > in the wake of one of your rebuttals is scorched earth,
> > > moonscape, a perfect emptiness. You have assassinated your
> > > critic. Or rather, the context which remains is *as if* this
> > > is the case."
> > > 
> > > --Robin Carlsen, 10/30/2011
> > 
> > Yes you do both share this same inability to deal with
> > what I write
> I think I'll just let that sit there for folks to
> contemplate. It's too good to spoil with a comment,
> especially after *this* exchange.

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