--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> (snip)
> > Yes, it's true that Robin apologized. As did I, in the very
> > next sentence of my original upsetting post. And I said I
> > was willing to work things out. But he rejected both the
> > apology and the offer. And he continued to deliver apologies
> > that were obscured by both over analyzing and blaming me.
> > Plus he wasn't willing to work it out offline.
> This is such an incredibly distorted view of what actually
> took place on FFL.
> Rather than dissect it point by point, I'll simply remind
> Share that Robin asked her permission to post their offline
> correspondence in which they had tried to work things out
> (or Robin did, at any rate; he had finally had to conclude
> that Share was not making a good-faith effort), because he
> felt that Share was misrepresenting that correspondence on
> FFL.
> Share declined to give her permission.
> (According to Robin, there were no personal details in
> the correspondence that would mandate keeping them private;
> they were simply a continuation of Robin's and Share's
> interactions on FFL.)
> Oh, sorry, I have to comment on this too:
> > I very much regret a creepy cult leader comment I made to Robin.
> > I was very upset by his insensitive response to something 
> > especially nasty RD had written.
> What raunchy wrote was very mild and typically very
> humorous snark, not the least bit "nasty."
> Share responded with an *exceptionally* nasty post to
> raunchy, basically accusing raunchy of not caring about
> her granddaughter and other members of her family because
> raunchy had posted the mild snark about a healer Share
> had just seen and was enthusiastic about.
> Robin's one line remark--"Learn to love this woman, Steve:
> It will do you good"--referred to raunchy's humor and was
> not commenting on Share's healer or Share herself.
> Most of the posts in this exchange are quoted in Share's
> attack on raunchy here:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/328797

Judy, I'd forgotten about the fainting goat post. A real rip-snorter, methinks. 
Thanks for the laugh.

> So another exchange on FFL that Share has quite 
> deliberately misrepresented.

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