Hmm, as much as Curtis asserts that his goal is "to be
understood by other people here," it doesn't seem that
he is willing to respond to the question Emily asked
him: Why did he make a point of calling her attention
to a verse about gang rape? Instead he just wipes out
her context as if it had never existed.

Obviously she found it disturbing. Why wouldn't he
respond--unless that's what he wanted, for her to be

Man, there are very creepy things going on on this 
forum lately.

--- In, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> I have no idea why you would write any of this.
> I shared music with you that I perform in my show. It has no meaning directed 
> toward you except I thought I was sharing interesting music with another 
> music lover. 
> To be clear:  There are no hidden messages or meanings directed toward you by 
> any music I ever shared with you on this board, ever.  There are no hidden 
> messages toward you in anything I have ever written to you here.  I have 
> tried to be clear about what I meant at all times because my goal is to be 
> understood by other people here.
> Lets chill on sharing music. It apparently isn't working.    
> --- In, "emilymae.reyn" <emilymae.reyn@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Curtis:  Hey, I was just responding to Xeno on his psychological rape
> > post and this spontaneously came off my fingertips:
> > "nor did I [feel psychologically raped] recently, when Curtis referred
> > me to the gang rape lyrics of a song he posted.  I probably should have
> > then, come to think about it, but I just figured I had crossed his
> > boundary again, unknowingly, like I did the first time.  I was teasing
> > him; he got angry...."
> > God bless it, were you trying to publicly PR me?  Did I not pick up on
> > that?  I'm kind of slow on the uptake sometimes, it's true.  You never
> > did explain to me why you referred me to the lyrics you did.  If you
> > were, than I say "Fuck you, man, fuck you."  If you weren't than maybe
> > you could explain it to me.  Am I right in my assumption above?
> > I know you ain't a country guy, in terms of music, but here's a song
> > from George Jones - RIP, that may bring you back to a performance period
> > that would be best left forever.
> >
> > <>
> >

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