But secondly for FFL, I think it is interesting that epigenetics becomes the 
more subtle mechanism in the physiology with either the case of GMO's 
activating the negative and unhealthy expression of genes like the most 
progressive science on meditation now is revealing the positive and healthful 
influence of meditation at the epigenetic level of the physiology.  Like, along 
with readings in the Upanishads also read epigenetics.
> Om, So what is the connection between GMO's and the larger matters of 
> spirituality we discuss on FFL?  So why would Buck a conservative meditator 
> be spending any time on FFL writing about GMO's  where FFL and FF as a 
> community more ideally are about and well should be about things spiritual 
> and spiritual Fairfield.  Well, obviously firstly I am most interested in the 
> welfare of the Dome meditation and the numbers of meditators meditating 
> together.  Science and our long spiritual experience here clearly shows us 
> that meditating together is of paramount spiritual practice.  Now that the 
> health threatening mechanisms of GMO's to the human system is figured out I 
> certainly feel it is urgent and fair warning to meditators on this forum and 
> everywhere to be aware of the danger GMO's may pose to our Dome group 
> meditation numbers. Forewarned is forearmed; Avert the danger before it 
> arrives,
> -Buck
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >
> > On 05/23/2013 03:40 PM, Buck wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> > >> Hey Buck, been meaning to ask you how many farmers in the Fairfield area
> > >> are still using Monsanto products and raising GMO crops especially corn?
> > >>
> > > How many?  The vast majority plant GMO corn or soy.  Either by number of 
> > > farmers or acreage. Corn crop more than soy usually.  Farmers are driven 
> > > by markets.  There are some who do not plant GMO corn or soy either 
> > > planting organic or conventional corn or soy.  Driven by market price 
> > > they still plant GMO mostly.  That will change as consumers realize the 
> > > problem with eating GMO fed meat and GMO ingredients in food otherwise.  
> > > Smart farmers are hedging already what they plant.
> > >
> > > Organic corn and soy has not worked out so well economically so a lot of 
> > > farmers have pulled back from that.  Corn and soy are commodity grains 
> > > the planting of which is mostly driven by price. Corn and soy prices have 
> > > been going crazy as commodity the last few years which has pulled a lot 
> > > more acres back in to row crop production and out of forage production.  
> > > Quite visibly there is a lot of highly erodible ground that has no 
> > > business being with row crops on it being farmed with corn and soy this 
> > > year.  It is really obscene to see what is happening and how fast the 
> > > soil is going downhill.
> > >
> > > About the markets, I called a buyer yesterday and he said there was more 
> > > buzz around this subject of GMO crop from his consumer buyers asking.  
> > > There is starting to be an awareness of the problem.  GMO crop farmers 
> > > well could be left holding the bag by next winter.
> > > -Buck
> > >      
> > >   
> > 
> > Thanks for the info.
> >

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