--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> Obbajeeba, one of my favorite amateur jyotishis said that for marriage it's 
> good to have a compatability number over 25.  Based on my own experience, 
> I'd say that's good advice.  But of course being in FF, I've heard of good 
> marriages with low compatability number and failed marriages with high 
> compatability number.  Go figure!  Yes, in my experience the same jyotishi 
> will say different things at different times.  He said me and my ex had good 
> compatability but the timing was bad.  Later he mentioned the ex's kuja 
> dosha which I don't have and which if I had known about never would have 
> gotten involved.  Anyway, water under the bridge and we're friends now so 
> all well that ends well, etc.  I think you and the man have good 
> compatability for friendship.  Of course if either of you have rahu or ketu 
> in 7th, it's best if the other person has it too.  Fat lot of good this does 
> for you now but hopefully helpful for next time.  I better shut up now
>  before turq blows a gasket.  I think it's great that you have a sense of 
> humor about it all.     

I think that one could safely conclude that Jyotish, in the case of marital 
prediction and accurate advice regarding such, is a crapshoot just like any 
other method of predicting something before it happens. After all is said and 
done you win some, you lose some. As you explained above, those with seemingly 
great compatibility based on their birth charts end up divorced and those with 
lousy prospects remain happily married. It appears people should proceed toward 
the altar based on good old fashioned reasons like love, respect, deep 
friendship, attraction and the desire to adore and be with that person for as 
long as they can reasonably imagine. Worked for me.
> ________________________________
>  From: obbajeeba <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Sunday, June 2, 2013 9:40 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jyotish is a practice?
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >
> > On 06/02/2013 08:59 AM, obbajeeba wrote:
> > > Let the bashing begin!
> > > What if a Pandit says and writes that someone is compatible with another, 
> > > then a few years later the Pandit says the people are not compatible and 
> > > he only said that because he thought that is what the couple wanted, and 
> > > that he only went along with one's feelings because there was love and 
> > > compassion in a charts and eventually one would find out they did not 
> > > like each other?
> > 
> > The Pandit is a bad astrologer.  There are a couple of those out there. ;-)
> >
> Thanks.
> I went back and reviewed my old emails and I kept asking the pandit if he is 
> he sure this compatibility is okay? 
> Then at one point in a later email the pandit says about the dasa period the 
> man is running, which is the same one he said we both were running and 
> everything was good at the time of the good compatibility reading, now later 
> says the man is not ready for me until after the same certain dasa period and 
> the pandit goes as far as to say that the pandit is not wrong about the 
> compatibility, which was said to be good.again, twice..
> ...but of course, today he says he told me it was wrong, the compatibility.  
> He says I have a free will.

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