--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" <awoelflebater@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> >
> > Obbajeeba, one of my favorite amateur jyotishis said that for marriage it's 
> > good to have a compatability number over 25.  Based on my own experience, 
> > I'd say that's good advice.  But of course being in FF, I've heard of good 
> > marriages with low compatability number and failed marriages with high 
> > compatability number.  Go figure!  Yes, in my experience the same 
> > jyotishi will say different things at different times.  He said me and my 
> > ex had good compatability but the timing was bad.  Later he mentioned the 
> > ex's kuja dosha which I don't have and which if I had known about never 
> > would have gotten involved.  Anyway, water under the bridge and we're 
> > friends now so all well that ends well, etc.  I think you and the man have 
> > good compatability for friendship.  Of course if either of you have rahu 
> > or ketu in 7th, it's best if the other person has it too.  Fat lot of good 
> > this does for you now but hopefully helpful for next time.  I better shut 
> > up now
> >  before turq blows a gasket.  I think it's great that you have a sense of 
> > humor about it all.     
> I think that one could safely conclude that Jyotish, in the case of marital 
> prediction and accurate advice regarding such, is a crapshoot just like any 
> other method of predicting something before it happens. After all is said and 
> done you win some, you lose some. As you explained above, those with 
> seemingly great compatibility based on their birth charts end up divorced and 
> those with lousy prospects remain happily married. It appears people should 
> proceed toward the altar based on good old fashioned reasons like love, 
> respect, deep friendship, attraction and the desire to adore and be with that 
> person for as long as they can reasonably imagine. Worked for me.

Thank you also, Ann.
You girls are giving beautiful ways to look at what is in front of us. Life. 

This advert the danger stuff before it happens is what I fell for, for so long. 

I am happy...and very lucky to have friends for many years.  

Too bad a lot of Jyotish pandits add too much hocus pocus and fear in their 
I still respect the art of contemplating Jyotish. I think someone posted 
something about David Hawthrone and his techniques. 
I hear he is good at relating times of things in life. 

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