--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> > Gee, Steve, I almost feel sorry for you. Every time you take a shot at
> Judy you miss the mark and end up looking stupid, totally cluless that
> she just ran over you with a truck. If you intend to match wits with
> her, you're going to need some target practice.  Here ya go...hope this
> helps:
> http://www.organizedactions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/broadside-bar\
> n2.jpg
> Gee Raunchy,
> I guess the fact that you've felt the need to chime indicates that I
> have the ability to hit more than just the broad side of a barn.
> I've got a better idea.  Let's think together what we can do to give
> Judy's self esteem a boost.
> It seems that this minor little kerfuffle is causing her undue
> embarrassment.  Really, tell her its NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL.
> Many of us may not be quite as skilled as we imagine ourselves to be.
> Accept that and move on. That is how we progress.
> Good Better Best.  Never Let It Rest.  Until Your Good Is Better, And
> Your Better Best.
> Remarkable how often the solution to problems goes back to what we
> learned in first grade.
> Smart as Judy is, you don't think she skipped first grade, do you? 
> Hmmm...


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