You can find out, and may soon. 

My brother just sent me an email that he got from Google,
warning him that he has GPS tracking enabled on his iPhone
and on his Gmail and Google Maps accounts. It contained
a cool map of literally everywhere he'd been for the last
two weeks, and was a fairly nice way of saying, "If you
don't want the NSA and all of their subsidiary agencies
knowing where you are 24/7, you might want to disable
these features. His reaction to seeing it was, "I 
definitely don't get out enough."

That got me thinking about what they'd think of *my*
readout for the last two weeks. It would have me bopping
from Leiden to Paris twice, once or twice to Amsterdam,
one quick stopover in Brussels, and *all over* Paris
itself. I'd look like a veritable James Bond, or at
the very least a smuggler of some kind. 

In reality, I was mainly bouncing from sidewalk cafe to
sidewalk cafe, but they wouldn't know that.  :-)

Speaking of sidewalk cafes, here's a rap that I wrote 
in one yesterday afternoon that Yahoo for some reason
wouldn't allow me to Send. Maybe Yahoo has been tracking
my whereabouts, too, and thought it was some kind of
coded message that threatened the security of the world.
Then again, maybe it does. If more people sat in cafes
watching the world flow past them instead of trying to
blow it up, it would be a nicer place...

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