On 06/30/2013 11:01 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
> You can find out, and may soon.
> My brother just sent me an email that he got from Google,
> warning him that he has GPS tracking enabled on his iPhone
> and on his Gmail and Google Maps accounts. It contained
> a cool map of literally everywhere he'd been for the last
> two weeks, and was a fairly nice way of saying, "If you
> don't want the NSA and all of their subsidiary agencies
> knowing where you are 24/7, you might want to disable
> these features. His reaction to seeing it was, "I
> definitely don't get out enough."

GPS eats battery.  On Android phones you have have GPS access available 
but it will only get used if the app needs it.  An icon will show that 
it is on.  Given that a lot of Android users tend to launch apps and 
never exit them I can imagine they may run around with their phone 
getting satellite coordinates all the time then wondering what happened 
to their battery life.

Of course all this chat about the NSA just makes people paranoid even 
though the majority are "persons of dis-interest."  It still isn't right 
for them to keep data on everyone's habits.  Problem is we the US not 
only has a military industrial complex but  a prison industrial complex 
which demands that the states provide X amount of prisoners for their 
business to thrive.  So they are turning ordinary Americans into 
criminals.  Obviously the prison industrial complex needs to be 
abolished.  But such is life in a land where money is God.

And in case folks missed my links to Wired's "Codefellas" web series:



Looks like a scandal brewing between the dirty old man Winters and the 
young Nicole.

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