> So, Barry punched his brother very hard in the stomach...
According to what I've read, Barry punched his brother
in the solar plexus, but not very hard, to prove Barry's
point about 'idealism'. 

The cognitive dissonance is when Barry later posted his 
belief in 'free will', which is an idealist notion. 

You can't make this stuff up. LoL!

> > > I guess you're not talking about FFL, then, huh? Unless
> > > you have some magical formula that prevents wrongdoers
> > > from continuing their wrongdoing.
> > > 
> > > As to "physically hurting others," I suggest you speak for
> > > yourself. My own guess is that most of us have managed to
> > > avoid physical violence, to those we love as well as to
> > > those we don't.
> > > 
> > Barry hit his brother in the solar plexus?
> > 
> > "That was a general-purpose rap that had nothing
> > to do with my brother. It was about the silly
> > solipsist wannabees on this forum and about solip-
> > sists in general."
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > > For yourself, steer clear of abusive behavior and do what's
> > > > necessary to protect those who aren't able to protect themselves.
> > >
> >

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