Its cool, Steve. No longer worth pursuing, on my end. I will, however,  
continue to treat Barry as if he is eternal and universal, no matter what that 
may look like to you, or others. 

--- In, "seventhray27" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> I'm sorry Jim, I just don't follow you.
> I mean your dislike of Barry is either 8 out of 10 or 10 out of 10.  I
> usually don't comment until it gets above 8 out of 10.  Sort of like
> Ravi, (and Judy for that matter), who seem astounded at the lows to
> which Barry can touch each week on a daily basis.
> I wonder those feelings you (all) harbor would look like on an astral
> basis.  I don't think it would be pretty.
> And yes, you have a funny way of "clearing the air".
> I mean this latest tirade all began from a third party's observation of
> some of schisms in the TMO, including the Robin episode.
> Why that caused such severe reaction, I don't know.
> And yes, it is called "shooting the messenger".
> --- In, doctordumbass@  wrote:
> >
> > "But Jim, feeling a little more peeved than usual at Barry about
> something, felt the need to chime in with an "Amen"."
> >
> > Completely off the mark, Steve. I was merely trying to clear the air.
> >
> > I am curious why you keep harping on this boundary crossing of mine.
> > I cannot help but ask you, now that Barry has dragged the general
> discourse of this place into the sewer, why didn't you smell something
> sooner? I say something, everyone wakes up, and says shit like, "Yeah we
> have become used to the pervasive stench of Barry's negativity, but you
> emulating it, Jim, is unacceptable!".
> >
> > Talk about shooting the messenger. That's fucked up, Steve.
> >
> > --- In, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@
> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In, "Ann"  wrote:
> > >
> > > > Get the timeline and the events here straight Steve. Go back and
> have
> > > a look. Read what Barry has had to say about Jim and Jim's brother
> now
> > > and many posts ago and then draw some reasonable conclusions. Figure
> out
> > > which bandwagon you want to leap on before you do so.
> > >
> > > Richard Williams feels the need to bring up an incident between
> Barry
> > > and brother.  Probably an incident Barry brought up in a context
> some
> > > time ago where it was pertinent to the discussion.
> > > My reaction to Richard bringing it up, obviously as a bait of some
> kind
> > > was, "Forgive him Father, he doesn't know what the hell he is doing"
> > > That is the reaction I have to much of what Richard posts.
> > > But Jim, feeling a little more peeved than usual at Barry about
> > > something, felt the need to chime in with an "Amen".
> > > I felt the timing of Jim's "Amen" was insensitive, and I said
> something.
> > > At some point in the discussion everyone's brother got brought into
> the
> > > fray in a rather hurtful way.
> > > No really sure how else to really parcel out the blame.
> > >
> >

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