The level of your dishonesty is mind-boggling Barry.

I'm glad to hear your public gloating of this incident with your brother. If at all I had any doubts about your narcissistic, sociopathic, sadistic traits this narration of your tale clinched it, this cold, callous insensitivity to your brother's suffering and using that incident to gloat and make yourself look good at his expense.

On 7/3/13 10:47 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

--- In <>, "Ann" <awoelflebater@...> wrote:
> --- In <>, doctordumbass@ <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > My comments about Barry sharing the same DNA as his
> > crazy brother were not meant to be all that funny,
> > just a pointer to his unstable and antisocial
> > tendencies, and a possible reason for same.
> I totally get it Doc and I agree. I found it interesting
> for all his shit slinging at you re: your brother and
> hence some farcical conclusions about some supposed
> homophobia on your part that when the opportunity comes
> up to play the big sympathy card Barry grabs at it with
> both hands.

This is really funny, so in the absence of Judy Stein
(who is probably laying low trying desperately not to
use up her last few posts), I'll replay the events
that Ann inaccurately summarizes, to provide some
Steinian "context."

First, Richard Williams, in one of his characteristic
troll moves, did a search on FFL and came up with a
post about Barry striking someone. In a response to
that, I not only admitted it, I clarified it, supply-
ing the context that the person I had struck was my
brother, and that I did so because he had already
beaten up one 70-year-old man (our father), and was
in the process of trying to do the same thing with
another 70-year-old man (a neighbor), all while
screaming "You people don't even EXIST."

Enlightened Jim Flanegin responded to this by invoking
the acronym "DNA," as he has explained here, to create
the impression that am the way I am (whatever that is
in his mind) is because of my crazy brother. At that
point, I did not and still do not hold Jimbo respon-
sible for using my dead brother to "get" me. Jimbo
has trouble remembering what he said *the day before*,
let alone something that might have been mentioned on
FFL years ago. :-)

But I felt I should respond, so I gave him a little
taste of his own medicine, suggesting that if he could
invoke "DNA" as a rationale for my actions, I could
invoke the same "DNA" argument as a rationale for why
he consistently makes gay slur insults against Curtis
and myself on this forum, saying "'re afraid your
'bad genes' will catch up to you." Jimbo responded by
doubling down, and making excuses for this, *after he
knew that my brother had committed suicide*. I don't
see how he can object, since *he* supplied the very
reason I invoked *his* brother in the first place,
with "...if you want to get an asshole's attention,
you must emulate them."

Meanwhile, Judy Stein (who *prides herself* on never
forgetting something that has been mentioned before on
FFL, and thus who *knew* that I was talking about my
brother who later committed suicide) piled on and
said, putting imaginary words into my mouth, much
like her imaginary boyfriend Robin used to do with

"It seemed like the right thing to do at the time,
but in retrospect it was very wrong. In fact, I
needed that punch a lot more than my brother did.
I was the one who was out of control."

And remember, Judy *cannot* invoke the "I didn't know
I was saying he hit his dead brother because *he* was
the one out of control" because she has positioned
herself so many times as someone who *never forgets
anything said here on FFL*. So she clearly knew what
she was doing.

All of this is why, when Share actually said something
nice about my brother, I said, "I don't want to talk
about him here, because Judy and Richard and Jim will
just find some way to use anything said the way they
already just another tactic in their 'get
Barry' vendettas."

NONE of the three of them can dispute this. They all
*had* used my dead brother just to "get Barry." And
at least two of them (Jim, after he knew what had
become of him, and Judy, all along) did so knowingly.
Richard doesn't post *anything* knowingly, so I cut
him a little slack.

Please note that in my sentence above I did not include
Ann. She has since made statements that force me to
revise that sentence, and include her, too.

None of this will affect them in any way; I write it
for the bystanders and the lurkers, to help them evaluate
what will undoubtedly turn into a veritable shitstorm
of "get Barry" posts from all four of them over the
next week.

Unlike the four of them, I am not trying to tell you
what to think. I'm merely presenting some history about
all of this, and allowing you to come to your *own*
conclusions. WATCH over the next four days, and see
whether these four respect you enough to do the same.

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