Awesome Steve - I have a 4 day vacation, starting now - will be driving down to the San Francisco very shortly.

Interesting story about the car, I plan to give my '09 Civic to my kid who turns 15 and half in November i.e. if my ex agrees. She's too fucking mad since I started writing against Amma and hasn't returned any emails since last August. Very interesting that her love for the cult and some religious, delusional fantasies is more important than having her kids have contact with their father - I'm still hopeful considering I could buy a new car - a yellow convertible was my plan, I'm not so sure. Why does a mad, reclusive yogi like me need a Yellow convertible - total BS that - I'm still debating, if there was a woman in the picture yeah, anyway it hasn't been decided to my satisfaction yet.

Happy 4th to you and everyone else !!!

On 7/3/2013 5:29 PM, seventhray27 wrote:

--- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
> Very good Stevie - I don't want you to get too stressed out over all this. Okay Ravi, I'll try to stay cool. Of course right now *I am* chillin' . Just had some pasta carbanara from the Cheesecake Factory. Yum. No work for maybe four days, yay!, and then vacation. Actually have a lot of work (work) to do to get ready for vacation. Never easy.

> Never forget your, Stevie's charitable, blessed wonder-retard-land.
> Don't you need to plan for your Colorado trip or something? The family
> needs you Stevie.

Yes Ravi, they need me, and I need them. Son totaled the '99 Cadillac Deville (5 mile/hr. crash) that I got basically for free as it was abandoned near my place of business. I never wanted him to have it anyway, for just that reason.* So, found a '99 Honda Accord for $1,900.00. Now that makes sense for a 20 yr. old! Family life Ravi, family life. Plenty of ups and downs.

* do you have any idea how strange it looked for him to make deliveries for Jimmy Johns in Cadillac Deville, fully loaded.

Someone asked him if his friends were jealous. He said, "no, but their dad's were!!"

> On 7/3/13 4:48 PM, seventhray27 wrote:
> >
> > This is good stuff Ravi. Kind of fun to see a department of
> > redundancy department in action.
> >
> > You remind of a dog chasing its own tail.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
> > >
> > > Barry Wright - the only person to comprehensively demonstrate
> > > dishonesty, sadistic obsessiveness and narcissistic, sociopathic traits
> > > on FFL.
> > >
> > > This man is definitely psychologically ill or a very sick, twisted,
> > > demented person - dishonest, sadistic, obsessive, narcissistic and
> > > sociopathic.
> > >
> > > Even his family is not spared from his narcissistic traits - he is
> > > brutally insensitive to his own brother's need in order to gloat and
> > > make himself look at his expense.
> > >
> > > Barry will accuse others of being narcissistic, sociopathic, attention
> > > sluts, attention whores, obsessive, argumentative - this is entire
> > schtick.
> > >
> > > A really pathetic, sad existence indeed.
> > >
> > > But unfortunately several people here enable him for their own selfish > > > vindictive needs (Xeno) or their own perverse subjective reflexes and
> > > their perverse preservation of their ontological sameness (Steve,
> > Share).
> > >
> > > These people are the worst - enabling a mentally sick person or a
> > > seriously twisted, demented person.
> > >
> > > Their justifications in themselves are pretty hilarious.
> > >
> > > Xeno - Barry is some kind of a disinterested, tantra Guru that hits at
> > > the core delusion of others.
> > >
> > > Steve/seventhray27 - Barry is expressing difference of opinion, he just
> > > has blind spots like anyone else. He's the most happiest because he
> > > lives in on of the best cities and works for one of the best companies.
> > >
> > > Share - at least she's honest today and admits to being triggered and > > > suffering from attachment disorder. Anyway she in the past has talked > > > from Barry as some disinterested observer. Apparently his pictures with > > > a young girl were conclusive enough for her to demonstrate at Barry's
> > > happiness.
> > >
> > > Susan - she never has time to even read the posts. She gets
> > triggered by
> > > arguments and thinks Barry is a good writer. Clearly some naive,
> > > childish feeling about Barry she holds on to despite all the
> > evidence to
> > > the contrary. She will refuse to inspect any facts, evidence
> > contrary to
> > > her naive beliefs.
> > >
> >
> >

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