Thank you dear - you too.

Considering I was in the Seattle area the past weekend I didn't need to travel. 
It's just I plan to be in the Bay Area every long weekend because the kids are 
there, even if I don't get to meet them and end up in Reno :-). Hey when the 
kids ask me in the future I will skip the Reno part :-). Oh well may be not.

On Jul 3, 2013, at 6:00 PM, Share Long <> wrote:

> Safe travels to you, Ravi and to Steve and family and even lurkers and anyone 
> else traveling over the next few days which might include an expat maybe 
> looking forward to sharing DesMe2 with his favorite little girl. HE'S SO 
> FLUFFY! I'm looking forward to seeing it on Friday.  PS I LOVE that the 
> Minions say yay (-:
> From: Ravi Chivukula <>
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 3, 2013 7:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Barry Wright's psychological fingerprint and 
> his enablers on FFL
> Awesome Steve - I have a 4 day vacation, starting now - will be driving down 
> to the San Francisco very shortly.
> Interesting story about the car, I plan to give my '09 Civic to my kid who 
> turns 15 and half in November i.e. if my ex agrees. She's too fucking mad 
> since I started writing against Amma and hasn't returned any emails since 
> last August. Very interesting that her love for the cult and some religious, 
> delusional fantasies is more important than having her kids have contact with 
> their father - I'm still hopeful considering I could buy a new car - a yellow 
> convertible was my plan, I'm not so sure. Why does a mad, reclusive yogi like 
> me need a Yellow convertible - total BS that - I'm still debating, if there 
> was a woman in the picture yeah, anyway it hasn't been decided to my 
> satisfaction yet.
> Happy 4th to you and everyone else !!!
> On 7/3/2013 5:29 PM, seventhray27 wrote:
>> --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
>> >
>> > Very good Stevie - I don't want you to get too stressed out over all this.
>> Okay Ravi, I'll try to stay cool.  Of course right now I am chillin' .  Just 
>> had some pasta carbanara from the Cheesecake Factory.  Yum.  No work for 
>> maybe four days, yay!, and then vacation.  Actually have a lot of work 
>> (work) to do to get ready for vacation.  Never easy.
>> > Never forget your, Stevie's charitable, blessed wonder-retard-land. 
>> > Don't you need to plan for your Colorado trip or something? The family 
>> > needs you Stevie.
>> Yes Ravi, they need me, and I need them.  Son totaled the '99 Cadillac 
>> Deville (5 mile/hr. crash) that I got basically for free as it was abandoned 
>> near my place of business.  I never wanted him to have it anyway, for just 
>> that reason.*  So, found a '99 Honda Accord for $1,900.00.  Now that makes 
>> sense for a 20 yr. old!  Family life Ravi, family life.  Plenty of ups and 
>> downs.  
>> * do you have any idea how strange it looked for him to make deliveries for 
>> Jimmy Johns in Cadillac Deville, fully loaded.
>> Someone asked him if his friends were jealous.  He said, "no, but their 
>> dad's were!!"
>> > 
>> > On 7/3/13 4:48 PM, seventhray27 wrote:
>> > >
>> > > This is good stuff Ravi. Kind of fun to see a department of 
>> > > redundancy department in action.
>> > >
>> > > You remind of a dog chasing its own tail.
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
>> > > >
>> > > > Barry Wright - the only person to comprehensively demonstrate
>> > > > dishonesty, sadistic obsessiveness and narcissistic, sociopathic traits
>> > > > on FFL.
>> > > >
>> > > > This man is definitely psychologically ill or a very sick, twisted,
>> > > > demented person - dishonest, sadistic, obsessive, narcissistic and
>> > > > sociopathic.
>> > > >
>> > > > Even his family is not spared from his narcissistic traits - he is
>> > > > brutally insensitive to his own brother's need in order to gloat and
>> > > > make himself look at his expense.
>> > > >
>> > > > Barry will accuse others of being narcissistic, sociopathic, attention
>> > > > sluts, attention whores, obsessive, argumentative - this is entire 
>> > > schtick.
>> > > >
>> > > > A really pathetic, sad existence indeed.
>> > > >
>> > > > But unfortunately several people here               enable him for 
>> > > > their own selfish
>> > > > vindictive needs (Xeno) or their own               perverse subjective 
>> > > > reflexes and
>> > > > their perverse preservation of their ontological sameness (Steve, 
>> > > Share).
>> > > >
>> > > > These people are the worst - enabling a mentally sick person or a
>> > > > seriously twisted, demented person.
>> > > >
>> > > > Their justifications in themselves are               pretty hilarious.
>> > > >
>> > > > Xeno - Barry is some kind of a disinterested, tantra Guru that hits at
>> > > > the core delusion of others.
>> > > >
>> > > > Steve/seventhray27 - Barry is expressing difference of opinion, he just
>> > > > has blind spots like anyone else. He's the most happiest because he
>> > > > lives in on of the best cities and works for one of the best companies.
>> > > >
>> > > > Share - at least she's honest today and admits to being triggered and
>> > > > suffering from attachment disorder. Anyway she in the past has talked
>> > > > from Barry as some disinterested observer. Apparently his pictures with
>> > > > a young girl were conclusive enough for her to demonstrate at Barry's
>> > > > happiness.
>> > > >
>> > > > Susan - she never has time to even read the posts. She gets 
>> > > triggered by
>> > > > arguments and thinks Barry is a good               writer. Clearly 
>> > > > some naive,
>> > > > childish feeling about Barry she holds on to despite all the 
>> > > evidence to
>> > > > the contrary. She will refuse to inspect any facts, evidence 
>> > > contrary to
>> > > > her naive beliefs.
>> > > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> >

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