On 07/06/2013 10:56 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
>>>> Not like no-one else here does.
>>> Apparently there are no TM Teachers in good standing
>>> that post to FFL, which figures. But, that makes it
>>> difficult to find out what's happening up there inside
>>> the TMO.
> Bhairitu:
>> The TMO has plenty of websites you can read. Some of the
>> post those links regularly.
> Thanks for the info. LoL!
> http://www.rwilliams.us/resources/
>> Or is TM really yesterday's news to you and you are just
>> punking people here?
> So, you don't live any where near a Golden Dome of Pure
> Knowledge; never been inside a MMY dome; and you've never
> been to Fairfield, IA and you're not in good standing with
> the TMO; but I'm punking YOU? Go figure.

And I could give a flying fuck about the TM-Sidhis anymore either. When 
I did practice we didn't need no stinkin' dome.  That's a Fairfield 
thing.  We used a large warehouse.  And you aren't paying attention 
because I've said many times I've been to Fairfield.

Are you really an idiot or do you just play on on the Internet?

>>> So far, we know that Alex has a brother who is a Raja.
>>> Lawson visited Fairfield once, MJ said he was there in
>>> a pod in the eighties. Sometimes I hear things at the
>>> pool at Radiance, the TM Ideal Village in Austin.
>>> Go figure.
>>> 'The Maharishi Effect'
>>> A Personal Journey Through the Movement That
>>> Transformed American Spirituality
>>> by Geoff Gilpin
>>> Tarcher, 2006

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