Because my work deadline is over and I have some free time this morning,
I thought I'd have a leisurely breakfast in one of my favorite writing
cafes and write, rather than rush in to the office. Be warned. :-)

This warning may particularly apply to this post, because it's going to
be one of those OPEN LETTERs that Robin Carlsen became so infamous for
here on FFL. It is directed to a small group of people here, and its
subject the Subject line.

This small group -- consisting primarily of Judy, Ann, Jim, Ravi, and
Richard/Willytex -- seem to spend almost ALL of their time on this forum
penning screeds about the people they don't like, telling these people
what's *wrong* with them, and exhorting them to *change*, and presumably
become "more like them."

So in this rap I'm asking the question that should be obvious to anyone
who has noticed these people's "posting trends" -- WHO THE FUCK ARE

It's a question worth asking, n'est-ce pas? It was a question that
should have been asked more often about Robin, too, back when he was
penning his short-story-length "You *must* listen to all the things I'm
telling you are wrong with you, and you *must* reply to each point I
make, so that I can demonstrate how 'in control' I am" screeds. I mean,
the guy was a substitute school teacher whose real-world
accomplishments, as far as I can tell, consisted of having become a
minor cult leader before being run out of town, writing a few books that
no one read, and then hiding out for 25 years. And *we* were supposed to
CARE what *he* thought of us? Give me a break.

And Robin actually had more "street cred" than any of these others, who
have taken up his mantle of "Read every word I write about you, respond
to it point by point, and *change* into what I want you to change into."
Judy is basically a stay-at-home glorified schoolmarm, correcting other
people's writing for a living. She never met Maharishi, and never was
any closer than the "cheap seats" to the spiritual movement she
constantly tries to defend and make excuses for. She doesn't seem to
have had any spiritual experiences worth writing about, and doesn't seem
to have any personal life worth writing about. That's probably why she
focuses so much on other people.

Jimbo is a retired tech trainer whose primary accomplishment in life
seems to be being the only person on planet Earth to believe his claim
that he's enlightened. As far as I know, he never met Maharishi or was
really involved with anything TMO, either. Ravi never even *learned* TM,
and is here only because he can get people to pay attention to him,
something he never seems to have accomplished in real life. I mean,
we're talking about a guy who has left "breadcrumbs" of his life in his
posts here that record a steady stream of losing jobs, losing his
family, and losing his mind. And yet he feels that *he* has the right to
lecture others and tell them what's *wrong* with them?

Ann I don't know much about, and to be honest don't care to. She has
struck me since shortly after her first appearance here as primarily a
spoiled-little-rich-girl groupie type, who has a history of glomming
onto people more charismatic than she is and emulating them. I don't
know whether she ever met Maharishi, either, or any other real spiritual
teacher. (Hint: Robin doesn't count.) Richard's an Internet troll from
Texas with a sordid past involving prairie dogs that we won't go into
here for reasons of propriety.

But these are just the impressions I've gained of these people based on
what they've written to Fairfield Life, and may not reflect the whole
story. So I'm offering each of them the opportunity to reply to this
OPEN LETTER and "set the record straight."

We all know by this time that nothing we can possibly say can stop you
from spending most if not all of your 50 posts per week ragging on your
avowed "enemies" on this forum and exhorting them to "Change, damnit!"
We know that you will all continue to demand apologies for actions that
didn't concern you, and that only affected other people. We may
*suspect* that the reason you do this is that you have nothing else
going on in your own lives, and thus have to spend all your time
focusing on the lives of others. But here is your chance to correct all
these "false impressions" of who you are, and present some reason WHY we
should bother to read the stuff you write about your "enemies" here,
much less CARE about it if one of us happens to be the "enemy du jour."

Tell us a little about yourselves. Go into detail. Tell us about your
real-world accomplishments, and the number of people who in real life
look to you as a veritable pillar of wisdom on the basis of them.
Explain to us the WHY of your seeming assumption that we "should" take
you seriously, and "should" be affected by the things you write about
us. Here's your chance. Don't blow it.

We'll wait...

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