--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
<anartaxius@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> > IOW: As far as Xeno is concerned, there is no need for
> > honesty or integrity. Just too damn much trouble.

And this is just meaningless bafflegab.

> I did not say there was no need for honesty or integrity. These are valuable 
> assets for civilisation. I said that from a particular point of view, which 
> was an interpretation of a religious point of view, were it to be the 
> situation, I asked a question 'Where does that leave us as far as honesty and 
> integrity? That is, if a religious point of view was essentially 'bad', 
> 'corrupt'; that the models of behavior presented (for example, to expand on 
> this) the genocide that YHWH perpetrates in the Bible, were they to be 
> adopted by humans, honesty and integrity would preumably fall by the wayside. 
> The views on honesty and integrity on FFL are widely divergent; personal 
> attacks and the accusation that so-and-so is a liar or lacks integrity are 
> rampant. There does not seem to be a judge and jury here, though some appear 
> to want to take on that role.
> The correlation of name and form might be invoked here. Suppose there was a 
> person 'X' concerning whom I felt displeasure. And then I thought and said I 
> would like this person to die, heartfelt and honestly. And then succeeded in 
> making that possibility an actuality. Now is that dishonest because I thought 
> said and did exactly what I intended? Does it lack integrity because the fact 
> was accomplished? Honesty has a dark twin, and integrity can cast a evil 
> shadow. Tyrants and petty offcials have this kind of integrity, but it is not 
> particularly suited to civilised life unless some very strong external 
> retraints can be applied to people who think this way.

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