turq, with regards to Bertrand Russell's *wish to find out* I reply that at 
MUM, TM and TMSP is not called Belief in Consciousness but rather Development 
of Consciousness and students receive academic credit for it. And this credit 
is recognized by the regional accrediting agency as well as by graduate 
programs at universities all over the US and even as far away as China. In 
fact, this summer I've noticed that the number of young Chinese women in the 
Dome is increasing. I mention this because I find the Chinese in general to be 
very smart and very practical.

With regards to Russell's *will to believe* just in the simplest way we don't 
find uniformity with TMers, even long term TMers and recert govs. Meaning that 
in all these groups we find devout Jews and Catholics and Protestants and 
Hindus. Don't know about

As for uniformity of TM related beliefs, there are probably those who actually 
do believe 100% and there are those who believe less and there are those who 
simply go by their own experience. A woman who sits near me is what I call on 
the TM straight and narrow, as is her husband. I am not. I'm sure such variance 
can be found in the rest of the Dome.

And lastly, if clothing is any indication, and personally I think that it is, 
then there's plenty of individuality in the women's Dome: some wear jogging 
outfits; some wear beautiful punjabis; some like me wear regular casual 
clothes; some of the students wear tank tops and shorts; some women in the 
evening come straight from work in skirts or dresses.

 From: turquoiseb <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 6:22 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Not All TM'ers Welcome

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote:
> It's very important the environment that we keep. Group 
> meditations are really important. In group meditations 
> you get the advantage of the energy of the other person, 
> and the devotion of the other person, and the perseverance, 
> and the will of the other person, and you are absolutely 
> inspired. So, group meditations, seek them out! 

Can't argue with Buck's logic here, if what you
want in a spiritual movement and out of life is
(to reference the Bertrand Russell quote on the
FFL Home Page) to cultivate the "will to believe,"
as opposed to the "wish to find out."


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