On 08/04/2013 08:18 PM, Susan wrote:
> I just saw Pandora's Promise, by Robert Stone, an environmentalist who has in 
> the past been active in anti-nuclear energy protests.  He got convinced 
> otherwise and has made this docu.  It features info and also interviews with 
> several environmentalists who have educated themselves and changed their 
> minds about nuclear energy.  Stuart Brand (Whole Earth catalogue) is one and 
> so is Mark Lynas, who wrote the book Six Degrees in 2007.  I have mentioned 
> that book here several times - terrific and accessible read about climate 
> change.  Lynas was anti nuclear for years - and now changed his mind.  A 
> worthwhile movie to see - and while I am not at all an expert on nuclear 
> power, it made a really good case for the positives.  It also seems that 
> there is a type of nuclear power (IFR) that produces waste that is recyclable 
> by the nuclear plant itself. The safeguards on these are also incredible.

I grew up near the Hanford Nuclear Reservation which is now having a 
terrible time with all the waste that facility generated. Nuclear energy 
is NOT a very good idea.  And when you let profit hungry big 
corporations run the show the problem gets worse.

Right now the problems facing this world are from one thing: too large a 
human population.  This needs to be addressed humanly through one child 
programs etc.  We could probably survive and enjoy life with a much 
lower supply of electrical energy and still keep a lot of the technology 
we have today.  The problem is the every man for himself atmosphere that 
laissez faire capitalism promotes.  That keeps excessive consumption 
alive just so some bunch can keep making money.  How insane!

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