Yes, absolutely! And really, without the Ego -- in some sense of the word 
anyhow -- there is Nothing! That's the beauty of it all; jiva IS atman,and 
atman IS Brahman!

--- In, doctordumbass@... <no_reply@...> wrote:
> ...they all look like ants from up here...LOL
> Seriously, I developed a saying about such a phenomenon, when I first noticed 
> it working for the TM Movement:
> "Unbounded awareness is great, but enough's enough!!"
> In other words, at any stage of development, the ego wants to call it mine. 
> However, the momentum for this reflex action is deep seated. The ego is a 
> pretty amazing tool, if used as such. After all, it has been the motive force 
> for the evolution of form, experience, and individuality, forever. From 
> amoebas or parameciums, viruses and stuff, onward. The individuality of each 
> lifetime serves as a spur for the next, times a jillion or so. Ego is 
> essential for each one, codified as instinct in mammals, birds, fish, 
> reptiles and insects.
> So a human, believing fully in him/herself, ego fully localized, is the 
> highest developed animal on the planet. Only when the ego is set up as our 
> rightful tool, placed precisely on the altar of surrender and transcendence, 
> do we learn about the Divine path available only to human beings. 

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