
Chill, dude.

--- In, iranitea  wrote:
> --- In, "authfriend" authfriend@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In, iranitea  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In, iranitea  wrote:
> > > > (snip)
> > > > > That's were you got your timeline wrong, and you prove another
> > > > > time, that you always disguise facts, by simply creating a
> > > > > diversion. Distract, point in a different direction to create
> > > > > a smokescreen, and ultimately make your audience tired. And
> > > > > it#s simply lame of you to not be able to admit obvious
> > > >
> > > > No, no, toots, this was your mistake. It isn't a "diversion"
> > > > or a "disguising of fact" or a "distraction" or a "smokescreen"
> > > > to explain to you where you went wrong--quite the opposite, in
> > > > fact. I'm so sorry it tires you out to have to deal with your
> > > > errors, but them's the breaks.
> > > >
> > > > It should have been obvious when I referred to Robin's
> > > > "courteous response" which post I had in mind
> > >
> > > LOL only in your mind. I'm not into mind-reading,
> >
> > Oh, you most certainly are. You're *heavily* into it.
> Where? When? Take your time if you need to think something up..
> >  like
> > > yourself. If you are referring to something, why don't
> > > you just spell it out, which post you mean, so that we
> > > know, what you are talking about.
> >
> > As I already said, if you weren't sure what post I was
> > referring to, *you could have asked*. But you didn't,
> > you just made a quick assumption without thinking because
> > you were so eager to "get" me.
> I could have asked, had I known you had some specific posts in mind,
not related at all to the posts we were actually discussing. To do this
is called distraction.
> > > (since that was
> > > > the *only* courteous response he addressed to you before he
> > > > left),
> > >
> > > I don't know what you mean by 'courteous'. that's totally your
> > > value system, you live in a world, a bubble of your own.
> >
> > Gettin' a little tired, are ya?
> >
> > Dictionaries are good if you don't know what a word means.
> > And most cultures value courtesy. It isn't some crazy
> > American idea, or crazy FFL idea, or crazy Judy idea. It's
> > pretty much universal.
> Universal in your mind only. Judy, to be honest with you, this is your
main problem: That you take your value system, your feelings about
people and their reactions for granted, and never question your own
impression. Very often, you are simply wrong.
> > > > but you were so anxious to "get" me that you didn't
> > > > pay any attention to what I'd said and got the whole thing
> > > > bassackwards (not for the first time, either).
> > >
> > > Yes?? Because I didn't know what you had in mind?? Get real!
> >
> > Yes!! Because you didn't *ask*!!
> Oh yes I should anticipate to ask for something I don't know that it
exists? LOL
> > > Oh, yeah, you won, because I didn't know what you had in mind,
> > > right? So silly.
> >
> > Well, I don't think anybody "wins" these silly arguments.
> > But a person can *lose* by just, you know, being
> >
> > You *lost* because you were in such a hurry to accuse me
> > of getting the timeline wrong that you didn't stop to
> > think whether that made any sense.
> No, you still didn't get it: your distraction is still on. I was
referring to your claim Robin 'had seen through me' and that either of
these two letters consists proof for it. Now your call.

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