Perhaps that is why religions, in general, encourage the suppression of 
homosexual activity, so that it remains only in that transitional incarnation 
instead of piling up from life- time to life- time. In other-words, if those 
*tendencies*are  not suppressed, they become stronger the next time. M has 
always said that the purpose of religion is to protect the evolution of the 


 From: authfriend <>
Sent: Friday, August 23, 2013 6:24 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Pfc. Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 years
--- In, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@...> 
> Charlie was definitely a believer in Theosophy. As I remember
> it( his explanation), we change from one sex to the other
> every three incarnations. The first incarnation of the opposite
> sex drags old tendencies from the previous birth with it. The
> second birth in that sex is more balanced, while the third 
> incarnation is more of an exaggeration of that sex. The super 
> masculine man or the super feminine woman. So naturally, the
> next change, brings with it, impressions from the previous
> birth which was exaggerated.

When you first posted this, you presented it as an
explanation for homosexuality. But a "super masculine"
man or "super feminine" woman (if you're talking about
appearance, which I believe you were when you posted
it before) could just as easily be gay as straight.

Likewise, gender dysphoria should not be confused with
homosexual preference. Often they go together, but
sometimes they don't. Most gays and lesbians don't want
to change their gender.

This would mean that all these experiences are natural for everybody to 
experience from life time to life time. And of course, how we treat one another 
going through theses phases of evolution determine our own fate. Do unto others 
as you would have done unto you. Pile-on all of our other karmas  and hang-ups 
and god only knows how it's going to be expressed. Who knows why someone feels 
they are in the wrong body? That could be untangling a
>  mess that you'll never figure out.


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