Is this an experiment in emulating Robin's writing style? Or did your Enter key break? :-D

On 09/06/2013 09:18 AM, wrote:

Y'know, this is about the improvement in message quality following removal of posting limits. I think about this A LOT!. Wow the freedom to be *DEEP* and probing the deep psyche of whatever. Enlightenment, what a cool subject. And Turq talks about an island made of ice cream, isn't it cool how all things are, like, connected?. At the moment I am staring at my desk. That requires attention. Doesn't attention have something to do with enlightenment? And what about that yagya, saving the world through the power of that thing we have somewhere in our heads - CONSCIOUSNESS, that is what it is. And Neo, thrust upon us to help us communicate more succinctly (I think that is how the word is speled, I mean the way letters are supposed to go in order). I think I will send this message to all my friends who do not meditate, because they desperately need to see how the power of consciousness is fulfelling my life!! And why do people do the things they do? Boy is that a mystery, unless you consider INTENT. In-tent, kinda like being in a large canvas bag, but with a door. You come outta the door, there is the world, you go back in the door you are inside. (For you doofusses that is an analogram about consciousness - outer and inner and how they are related by transcendental passage work, going back and forth until, viola, something different happens, because you have gone *beyond*. I am sitting at a desk that faces true North. When I twist slightly, I can FEEL the pressure of nature trying to get me to realign myself with true reality, and so I twist back, and I feel a WHOLE lot better. You should try it, and according to my psychic dog, it helps with complexion (and fleas in case they are a problem). Because of the expansion of my self, I am able to interpret exactly what my dog is thinking and why with quantum mechanical precisiveness: you know, p = 0.0000000074. I am taking a course in Sthapatyaveda car parking right now. It is a challenge I can tell you, crawling out of the sun roof 85% of the time, but alignment with whatever people tell me about nature is, I firmly believe, an absolute necessity for a fulfilled life. For example MacDonalds' fries contain natural beef extract, whereas others' lack that naturalness so they taste sort of fake by comparison, lacking you might say, or not. But what is really, really powerful about FFL right now is the quantity of divinely inspired knowledge and truth which just pours and pours, dumping its dump stuff into the ocean of my incredibly expanded you know what, which means of course I AM ENLIGHTENED. Jeeze, I don't see how anyone could doubt that. Look at the way I express myself, immersed in the deep pool of the God of unified field. I think all the pundits, and everyone in Fairfield IA, and on FFL should come to Brewster, NY and line the streets and meditate all day under the open sky, thinking GOOD THOUGHTS about the world. Brewster is a lot closer to Syria you know, than that city in the middle of the corn belt.

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