Oh dear sweet Obba, your testing posts totally cracked me up this morning
and knocked me, momentarily at least, out of my sadness. No worries though
work's keeping me sane though
​, I look forward to the weekend to wallow in it unconditionally​

​his day, the second day of the waxing Moon in the nakshatra of the
Uttaraphaalguni, the month of Bhaadrapada, to the beautiful, blessed,
radiant one

[image: Inline image 1]

On Sep 6, 2013, at 1:03 PM, obbajeeba <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Testing. FYI. I just received this original post to my inbox this
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
>> This post never "came back" from the Yahoo! black hole yesterday, so
>> I'll try again because I had so much fun writing it...
>> Overheard in a cafe on Ile Saint-Louis this morning:
>> "Saul? Is that you? How amazing to run into you here in Paris. What are
>> you doing here?"
>> "Knock it off, Morty. I saw you earlier stalking me outside my hotel,
>> and following me here. You probably stalked me here all the way from
>> L.A. What do you want?"
>> "That was *your* hotel? I wasn't stalking you...I was...uh...just
>> looking through the garbage cans to see whether Parisians recycle. Yeah,
>> that's the ticket."
>> "Cut to the chase, Morty. What the fuck do you want?"
>> "I want to pitch you a story idea for a new series, Saul. I know that
>> you're interested in new ideas, original ideas, so I'm bringing it to
>> you first, even though a bunch of other producers are already bugging me
>> about it."
>> "Yeah, right. But OK, I'm in a good mood, and the *real* writer I'm
>> waiting for isn't due for a few minutes, so you've got that long to give
>> me your 'elevator pitch.'"
>> "Thanks, Saul. I call it 'True Attention.' It's a story about a bunch of
>> vampires who live in Faux Temps, Iowa and survive by sucking attention
>> from other people."
>> "Iowa? It sounds more like L.A."
>> "Yeah, we could probably set it in L.A. if you wanted. Anyway, the main
>> character is named Nookie Snackhouse, and she's *not* a vamp. But she is
>> half fey...sort of a closet fey...and she has this ability to read
>> people's minds, and know what their real thoughts and intentions are
>> even better than the people whose minds she's reading do."
>> "She sounds like a real pain in the ass. But go on...where do the vamps
>> fit into all of this?"
>> "Well, first, they're not real vamps, like in that other series that
>> this one is nothing like. They don't feed on blood or anything. Instead,
>> just as you noted, they feed off of attention. Being unable to generate
>> any kind of energy themselves, they suck it from other people by getting
>> them to focus on them."
>> "So how do they do this? Do they, for example, stalk these victims whose
>> attention they want to steal halfway around the world and corner them in
>> a sidewalk cafe?"
>> "No, no...nothing like that. Heh heh...good one, Saul. What they do,
>> since none of these attention vamps have actually ever DONE anything in
>> their lives that would attract the attention they feed off of, they get
>> people to focus on them by insulting them, trying to portray them as
>> stupid, and calling them names."
>> "And that works?"
>> "More than you might think. Many of the vamps in Faux Temps have been
>> running this number for *years*, and have managed to get a *lot* of
>> people to focus on them and give them their attention so that they can
>> feed off of it. And all without ever DOING anything to deserve that
>> attention in the first place."
>> "I don't get it...they accomplish all this just by insulting people?"
>> "Not *just* insulting people. Sometimes they make up stories about
>> themselves and try to convince others that those stories are real. For
>> example, they brag about their 'endarkenment,' or imply that they're
>> successes in life even though they've never been anything but wage
>> slaves. That's where Nookie comes in."
>> "The suspense is killing me. Do tell..."
>> "Well, as I said, Nookie is *not* one of these vamps per se, and in fact
>> is even less interesting than they are and has DONE even less in her
>> life than they have, but she can read their thoughts and so she knows
>> when they're bullshitting to attract attention and when they're not."
>> "Aha. So she busts them when she catches them lying?"
>> "No, not at all. That's the twist. She ignores their bullshit, and
>> instead praises them so that they'll focus on HER. When they do that,
>> she sucks *their* attention. So in effect, she's got all these attention
>> vampires *working for her*, stealing attention and energy from other
>> people, and then passing it along to her by focusing on her. Brilliant,
>> right?"
>> "Sounds boring to me. Who on earth would tune in each week to watch a
>> bunch of people who have never DONE anything in their lives try to suck
>> attention, as if they were the center of the universe?"
>> "Hey, Saul...don't knock it...it worked for 'Seinfeld.'"
>> "Good point."
>> "So? Ya interested?"
>> "Not really. Got anything else?"
>> "Well, I am working on another completely original treatment called
>> 'Freaking Mad.' It's about a mild-mannered meditation teacher who starts
>> selling black-market enlightenment..."
>> "Nice talking to you, Morty. But I see a real writer approaching, so
>> buzz off. Give my secretary a call when you get back to L.A. We won't do
>> lunch."
> ------------------------------------
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