--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
> akasha_108 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <snip>
> > To hold, as some appear to, that we meditate for 20-30 years and 
> > then one day, the room goes from total darkness to total light, is 
> > funny, in a charming way. So to the extent people keep insisting IT 
> > is already there, they are correct -- to a degree. It comes and 
> > goes. Or more corectly, though still inaccurately, we move into it, 
> > and then get bounced out.
> Judy writes:
> That's certainly been my experience.  And it's
> definitely progressive, as you suggest later.
> Tom T:
> Jean Kline awoke in 1955 and continued till his death in the late
> 90's. From his book I AM page 83 para 3 " Enlightenment is
> instantaneous but the mind becomes gradually clearer.,

While to me, initially, this sounds discordant and a bit odd, I am
always open to new ways of looking at things. 

If you read my prior posts today, then per kline, I might say that
that day after my initiation --  IT was always there -- thereafter,
foreever -- but slipped into the background at times. (The same idea
as "falling into it and out of it" -- in my post this morning. 

I am inclined towards the foreground / background model -- one reason
that I spent somtime on it this moring in post to Judy -- with
concrete experiential link. It "supports" and makes reasonable the
claim and reported experience "its always been here, I just did not
recognize it", that is, it was in the background.  

And F/B explains "overshadowing": IT falls to background, life falls
to foreground. Its not that IT disappears -- but we sometimes need to
succumb to the limits of english syntax if we are not to sound as
autonotom space robots. (Thus prior post's note to Rory -- you are
smarter than harping on well known and acknowledged limits of
language. Of course IT is always there. Why make big drama over the
limits of language -- and project such onto others as
"misunderstnading"? It gets tiresome after a bit. 

> The clarity of
> the mind brings about a relaxation from old patterns, a freeing of
> energy which in turn stimulates clearsightedness. It leads us toward
> living free from all striving to attain something, free from the
> tension brought about by waiting for something to happen, expectation."

Thats all fine and true. And fits the F/B model. The shift to
foreground attention of PC helps dissolves old patterns and
expectations. What is odd to say one is "enlightened", per kline, 
while this is going one. Regadless, its arbitrary and as equally
foolish, IMO, to refer to enlightenment even if the above disolving
process is complete. 

> The above seems to be the norm. The Byron Katies and the Eckhart
> Tolles seem to be the exception rather than the norm. In looking
back I can agree that was the case for me. There was a moment that was
way out of time and something big had happened but I was not clear
enough to get it. Years later in clearness and clarity is was easy to
see the times IT had come to the foreground and then had slipped away
because it could not be clearly appreciated. Tom

Yes, if I follow you correctly, it seems to be the path for many, my
self certainly, and Judy seems to say it is for her, that its a
alternating symbiotic process of F/B, B/F. The alternation helps in
stabilizing and disolving/purifying.  As is standard TMO stuff. Yellow
 dye, white cloth.

What still seems odd to me is the apparently felt need to judge and
label some point on the ever extending spectrum as "enlightenment".
Its just more and more foreground. Until the entire earth, oceans, sun
and moon are in the foreground with It as IT. And that still may be
just the beginning.

In that regard, I sort of like klines approach (with apologies to
kline, the following is my slant on his view: "get rid of the
silliness now, in the beginning, and be done with it. You are all
enlightened. BFD. Now that that ego hurdle is done, let PC work its
magic as Awarenrnaess -- as attention of it oacillates between
forground and background. Until It in all dimensions is eternally in

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