Not sure what you're talking about here. What 100% pension are you talking 
about? SS was never meant to be a *pension*, it's a supplement to whatever 
savings and pension you were supposed to have worked for while paying into SS. 
Divvy up jobs? Who's in charge of that and who decides who gets a job and who 
goes on *leisure pay*? No longer enough full time jobs? Maybe we should ask why 
and what we can do to create them and what we have done to diminish them. 
Obamacare is a good example of why we are having fewer full time jobs. Work 
thirty hours or more and your employer has to provide insurance which they may 
or may not be able to afford. When 10-20 million people cross our boarders 
illegally because *all they want is a job*, can we say there aren't enough jobs 
to go around? Oh, I know, some jobs are just below our *dignity*. I remember a 
day when taking public assistance was below our dignity. If someone thinks they 
are too good for a certain kind of
 job that is available , maybe they just aught to have their ego busted so they 
can see just how valuable they really are.

From: Bhairitu <>
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 5:21 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] America the Beautiful

Nothing wrong with Social Security.  But there is something wrong with 
foolishly promising people a pension that pays the same as when they were 
working.  What were they smoking when they did that?  it actually isn't 
feasible.  Times were booming and the idiots you elected (regardless of the 
aisle they sat on) made those promises.  The idea when you get older is you 
probably don't need and often want as much.  You don't need a full pension.When 
there are no longer full time jobs for everyone then you have to divvy up the 
jobs.  But that won't work for employers.  So what are you going to do, Mike?  
Tell people to crawl away and die?  You know how that will go down.  They'll 
tell you to crawl away and die.On 09/23/2013 02:39 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:
>We already have that *leisure society*. Ever heard of Social Security? You pay 
>into  it for many years and at a certain age you get to join that leisure 
>society,. Get paid for not working. Many people don't even have to pay into 
>it.  Just have something wrong that prevents you from being able to work or 
>just be the child of a parent that died and had paid into it. Heck, you can 
>even be a single mother and have the government pay you to raise your kids. 
>The government will find you a place to live , feed you and your kids, give 
>you a phone, free medical care. There's an old saying, *if something is worth 
>having, it's worth working for*. The work in this case is learning how to make 
>do with a little.
>From: Bhairitu
>Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 1:19 PM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] America the Beautiful
>And the Fascist, I mean Repubicans, want us to work until we drop dead. Doing 
>what?  How would you like a near aspergers like former computer programmer 
>waiting on you at Burger King?  At that there are not enough jobs for 
>everybody.  I push the new leisure society where you pay people FOR NOT 
>WORKING.  Sound upside down?  Bucky Fuller suggested this over 50 years ago. 
>Also many people with retirement funds used them up after unemployment ran out 
>while looking for a job in their field.  A friend who is a very competent 
>software engineer and college professor found himself taking Social Security 
>at age 67 even though he wanted to wait until he could get the full amount at 
>age 70. America ain't Beautiful anymore.  In fact it sucks. On 09/23/2013 
>12:46 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
>>A Christian 

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