Xeno, I agree that it's good to have rules of procedure with in person 
conversations. Otherwise one would have to wear ear plugs, take them out when 
favorite speakers speak, etc.Very vexing. But online?! Scroll on! Don't open 
the email! Or if you can't help yourself and open the email or post, skim. 
IMHO, this is the best way to preserve freedom of thought for everyone. Even my 
personal nemeses: the flat headed three and a half liners!

 From: "anartax...@yahoo.com" <anartax...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 8:28 AM
Subject: RE: RE: Re: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Post Count Sat 
28-Sep-13 00:15:03 UTC

Well, that does have a logic to it. You would not be prevented from posting 
air-headed one liners, there would be just fewer you could post in any given 
month. Would you waste time buying a brand of breakfast cereal when every box 
was only 1/8th full? The web is pretty thin on original content. Supposedly 
about 3/4th of the content is copied from other parts of the web. And much of 
the rest is kind of empty as far as ideas as to how to figure out what life is. 
In government forums, even in rather rowdy governments, there are rules of 
procedure, giving each speaker a certain amount of time to present their 
points, and then they have to stop and let someone respond.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com> SHARE 

Share wrote:

But Xeno, I think you want to censor too! You want to censor airheaded one 
liners. Airheaded one liners maybe want to censor too. Is this the solution? We 
each get to pick one kind of posting offense and censor that? In my experience, 
all censors think that they have the worthy goal of more orderliness.

What I'm saying is that we either have freedom of content AND form or we don't 
have freedom of curiosity, inquiry and growth.

I suspect Xeno is defining "airheaded one-liners" as those that contribute 
nothing to curiosity, inquiry, or growth.


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