Xeno, just using simple logic, I'd speculate that a fully perceptive person 
would label me as being like everyone else, a mix of developed and undeveloped 
aspects; that my basic motive is the same basic motive that propels all humans, 
to live more fully. My question is how would a fully perceptive person behave 
given that we're all in this together.

There is a phenomenon in psychology called the Anniversary Effect or the 
Anniversary Reaction. It can be conscious or unconscious. Yesterday was the one 
year anniversary of my accusing RWC of pr. My guess is that RWC's supporters 
were consciously or unconsciously reacting to what was an upsetting event for 

But I have to ask: why do they continue to be SO upset about it. My conclusion 
is unresolved issues from childhood are at work. AND, projecting a lot of their 
shadow about RWC onto me. Otherwise they would have moved on from this dynamic 
long ago. IMO.

 From: "anartax...@yahoo.com" <anartax...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2013 10:03 PM
Subject: RE: RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Post Count Sat 28-Sep-13 
00:15:03 UTC

Share's "true motives" have been evident to halfway-perceptive people for a 
long time, actually. Unfortunately that doesn't include Share (or Steve, for 
that matter). It isn't Seraphita's fault that she hasn't seen the full picture 
yet; she hasn't been here as a regular for long enough.
The question that could be asked here is, what would be evident to 
fully-perceptive people in this same situation, now that you 
halfway-perceptives have nailed Share's "true motives"? [Note: prevaricators' 
intrusions into my point here, under the guise of 'comments', is ill advised 
for integrity reasons]

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