Richard, Dr. Pete is wisely staying away. As for me, I'm helping with autumn 
Dome cleaning this afternoon. Just for fun, go figure (-:

 From: Richard J. Williams <>
To: Richard J. Williams <> 
Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2013 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Post Count Sat 28-Sep-13 00:15:03 UTC

> But I have to ask: why do they continue to be SO upset about it.
Where is Dr. Pete when we need him?

You have to realize Share, is that this is probably about as close
      as it gets to spiritual practice for some of the informants
      posting here. 

Not everyone has the opportunity to engage in spiritual pursuits
      anymore. These days, the spiritual program gets almost eliminated
      entirely, except for posting messages to an online chat site like
      Yahoo FFL. Go figure.

That's just about it - a few one liners posted to the top or the
      bottom of a spiritual discussion group before, during or after
      work. Obviously they couldn't be practicing yoga, meditating, or
      even doing much work if they're already tuned in to the internet
      by 8:00 AM and posting at their place of their employ. Go figure.

Also, you need to realize that not everyone has is able to
      meditate in a dome every day and to associate with people that
      practice the same kind of meditation we do. You are very fortunate
      to be living close to a spiritual meditation hall,

If you're living out in the back of beyond on the road to Erewhon,
      you probably couldn't even find a GNC health food store in a
      shopping center strip mall. If you lived in a big city like up in
      Boise or Rapid City, you could at least visit a Whole Foods
      Market. Otherwise about all you can do is take a walk in the woods
      or look up at the sky at night and admire the stars. 

>From what I've read here, most of the respondents don't live
      within a thousand miles of a golden dome of pure knowledge, a
      Buddhist stupa, a yoga ashram. or even a yoga studio down town. Is
      there anyone here that can hold a yoga pose?

Maybe they are jus jellos. 

Some people just feel better when they have someone to talk to. So
      in a way, we are helping people all the time just by being on the
      spiritual path and posting to FFL, top or bottom. LoL!

On 10/2/2013 6:46 AM, Share Long wrote:

>Xeno, just using simple logic, I'd speculate that a fully perceptive person 
>would label me as being like everyone else, a mix of developed and undeveloped 
>aspects; that my basic motive is the same basic motive that propels all 
>humans, to live more fully. My question is how would a fully perceptive person 
>behave given that we're all in this together.
>There is a phenomenon in psychology called the Anniversary Effect or the 
>Anniversary Reaction. It can be conscious or unconscious. Yesterday was the 
>one year anniversary of my accusing RWC of pr. My guess is that RWC's 
>supporters were consciously or unconsciously reacting to what was an upsetting 
>event for them. 
>But I have to ask: why do they continue to be SO
                      upset about it. My conclusion is unresolved issues
                      from childhood are at work. AND, projecting a lot
                      of their shadow about RWC onto me. Otherwise they
                      would have moved on from this dynamic long ago.
> From: "" <>
>Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2013 10:03 PM
>Subject: RE: RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Post Count Sat 28-Sep-13 
>00:15:03 UTC
>Share's "true motives" have been evident to halfway-perceptive people for a 
>long time, actually. Unfortunately that doesn't include Share (or Steve, for 
>that matter). It isn't Seraphita's fault that she hasn't seen the full picture 
>yet; she hasn't been here as a regular for long enough.
>The question that could be asked here is, what would be evident to 
>fully-perceptive people in this same situation, now that you 
>halfway-perceptives have nailed Share's "true motives"? [Note: prevaricators' 
>intrusions into my point here, under the guise of 'comments', is ill advised 
>for integrity reasons]

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