May it be allowed to question with all due respect, kowtau and hand kisses to 
my  Lady of the Lake Jude  your references. You mentioning as a source  for 
Dr.Domash article your battleground  where you fought so brave for purity and 
integrity...when there is the  article as a whole avaible at mum.
Oh my dear , let us consider  with Lawrence Domash that  " the degree of 
consciousness may be related to the degree of long-range spatial and temporal 
comprehension and awareness"and therefore related  our degree of long-range 
spatial and temporal comprehension and awareness to the wholeness of the  
article and  it  in devotion so brilliantly described implication. , not 
forgetting the context,too.
The introduction  "Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the Transcendental Meditation 
Program: A New Direction for Scientific Research"   continues:                  

"It would be shortsighted, however, to believe that Maharishi will be regarded 
in the future merely as the man who introduced to science a certain new or 
revived relaxation technique with a variety of measurable effects. Rather, it 
seems certain that he will properly come to be regarded as the man who changed 
the entire scope and direction of scientific research by compelling science to 
recognize in its own terms and by its own methods the existence and reality of 
a new state of consciousness. This is the real discovery, of which the 
Transcendental Meditation technique itself is actually a technological 
application, and it is surely a development of much more far-reaching 
importance for scientific knowledge than all of the other great scientific 
advances of this century combined. It is to this point that we would like to 
devote the remainder of this introduction."
and continues with:

"Implications of Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program"
In  editors note: – ..Also since that time, modern theoretical physics has 
further advanced a fundamental concept that Dr. Domash discusses in this essay, 
namely that there is a basic state of least excitation known as the ground 
state, or “vacuum state,” of any field, which Dr. Domash compares with the 
field of pure consciousness. Modern physics has now developed completely 
unified field theories, mathematical descriptions of a field of unity 
underlying all the diversity of the universe and uniting all the fundamental 
force and matter fields.
At the time he wrote this essay, Dr. Domash was Chancellor of Maharishi 
European Research University, in Switzerland, and shortly thereafter became the 
second president of Maharishi International University (1977–1980).

Objection Your Honour.  Could they not  give our  Superradiancer-now-"Floor 
sweeper' Lawrence Domash more  credit than "ground state, or “vacuum state” 

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 Seraphita, if you're interested in what Maharishi wanted known about the 
origins of Transcendental Meditation (i.e., the specific technique he taught), 
see here (it's a 1993 post from the Usenet newsgroup 
alt.meditation.transcendental, now archived on Google Groups):


 The post contains the first half of the introductory essay by Larry Domash to 
the first volume of the Collected Papers (research studies on TM, published in 
1975). The whole thing (that is, the whole first half) is of interest, but 
Domash gets to the nitty-gritty about the origins of TM in the paragraph 
beginning "As an unusually talented student..." if you want to skip the 

 Rick Archer has said he was present when Domash read the essay to Maharishi 
for his approval, so we can be pretty sure it reflects the account Maharishi 
wanted told. (Whether it's 100 percent accurate is anyone's guess.) It doesn't 
exactly answer your question, but it seems clear that Maharishi didn't simply 
parrot the meditation instructions given by Guru Dev (or at least didn't want 
that to be the story).




---In, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 Seraphita, if you're interested in what Maharishi wanted known about the 
origins of Transcendental Meditation (i.e., the specific technique he taught), 
see here (it's a 1993 post from the Usenet newsgroup 
alt.meditation.transcendental, now archived on Google Groups):


 The post contains the first half of the introductory essay by Larry Domash to 
the first volume of the Collected Papers (research studies on TM, published in 
1975). The whole thing (that is, the whole first half) is of interest, but 
Domash gets to the nitty-gritty about the origins of TM in the paragraph 
beginning "As an unusually talented student..." if you want to skip the 

 Rick Archer has said he was present when Domash read the essay to Maharishi 
for his approval, so we can be pretty sure it reflects the account Maharishi 
wanted told. (Whether it's 100 percent accurate is anyone's guess.) It doesn't 
exactly answer your question, but it seems clear that Maharishi didn't simply 
parrot the meditation instructions given by Guru Dev (or at least didn't want 
that to be the story).




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