'OM" it is of relatively recent oirgin, from the time of Pannini, who arranged Sanskrit into a written language. OM is a symbol that was invented by the Indian alchemists much later than Pannini, in order to make their system seem profound and esoteric.

'Om" is nothing more than a phoneme, or a quasi phoneme, made up by Brahmins in order to confuse the people. It is merely a salutation, similar to the Latin 'Amen', a phrase meaning 'So be it'.

It is not a 'bija' mantra at all. If chanting 'OM' had been a known means of liberation, it would have been mentioned by the historical Buddha, or carved onto an Ashokan Pillar or something.

In reality, the 'OM' 'sound' is just another instance of the Indian proclivity for making simple things seem mysterious. It is a 'mantra' by courtesy only, according to Swami Ageananda Bharati, the author of the definitive work on mantra, 'The Tantric Tradition'.

Work cited:

'The Tantric Tradition'
Ageananda Bharati
Rider, 1965

On 10/24/2013 6:07 AM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:

So[m], what was Maharishi's particular teaching on "Om"? His was counter to everything "Om", wasn't it. He did not use "Om" in any of the mantras he gave. Succinctly, what was that? What is unique about his Vedic studies around "Om"? I got a dressing down recently about how Maharishi saved India around the understanding of "Om". What did he say that "Om" "aum" was so bad that puts him opposed to "Om"? While at the same time Brahmananda Saraswati [Guru Dev] it seems was very in favor of "Om" spiritually. See Guru Dev's discourses. Who do you believe? What is your experience with "Om"? I find it the vibration of the giant electro-magnet of nature turning over in the center of the Earth and unified sound of all of Nature and great to attune to as such to spin and line up the chakras of the subtle system . It seems the energetic pre-condition that all the nervous systems on earth have evolved with. It runs deep as a vibration (when people sit up) in the Dome as a vortex. Maharishi seems to have put the wammy of fear in to "Om" for the TM spiritual community. Does that explain something about the TM community? What is your experience with it and what was really said about it? Just wondering, -Buck

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <cardemaister@...> wrote:

(Not to be taken all too seriously...)

Just as 'om' may be "embedded" in the word 'soma',
so in the tanakh (Hebrew Bible =~ Old Testament)
it may be embedded in the word 'yom' (day) that appears
several times in the first verses of bereshit (Genesis)...

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