Love it! How long will Barry continue to react? Can we get
 a few more rants out of him today?
Barry wrote:
 > I'm going to follow up on my earlier post this morning, 
 > partly to expand upon it, but also because at least three
> people here don't seem to understand who I was talking
> to. Trying to help them appear less STOOOPID, I remind 
> them of a stern dictum issued by She Who Must Not Be 
> Disobeyed herself:
> "Hey, doofus, nobody was talking to you. End of story."
 > - Judy Stein, 13 October 2013

 And Barry proves himself a doofus one more time. He had assumed,
 mistakenly, that Ann and I had been trying to start a "flame war" with
 him and decided, by God, that he was going to nip it in the bud. He
 went on at some length about it, too, poor lad. I gave it a mercy snip.

 (snort giggle wheeze)


 Ann told him the same thing I did, BTW, so it wasn't as if we left him 
 to languish in his big fat blooper.

 > Anyway, what I was trying to say *to you* earlier is that
> while I understand that it pains you to see Willytex 
> spouting bullshit here on FFL, when you fall for it and
> get into it with him, you're playing *his* game, not yours.
> He's trolled you. 
> That's just what he and the other troll I mentioned earlier

 Now he's afraid to mention my name...
> DO. They lie in wait for someone to say something, then
> they rush out and search Google or Wikipedia or some
> batch of saved files and they post a "rebuttal." 
> It isn't *really* a rebuttal, of course -- it's an invitation
> for you to argue with them. If you do, they win. That's
> just how trolls think.

 Um, that's how Barry thinks, actually. If I post a definitive
 refutation of something, I don't expect an argument.

> The thing is, even if you *don't* fall for it and argue with
> them, they'll find a way to spin *that* and consider it a 
> "win" for them, too.

 So if someone posts something I know is in error and
 I correct it and nobody objects, as far as Barry is
 concerned that's a loss for me.

 Got that, folks?

 (Hey, Bar, you maybe want to think about whether
 that's really what you wanted to say? I suspect you
 got a little lost in your own rhetoric here.)

 > Just as the three people whom *I* did

 > not respond to (and wasn't talking to in the first place)
> did today. 

Told you he'd make that claim.
> I'm not faulting your scholarship, or trying to start some 
> kinda argument with you, either. I'm just pointing out The
> Nature Of Trolls, and reminding you that it really *isn't*
> worth your time to try to rebut or correct them.

 I'm sure empty is very grateful that Barry explained to him
 The Nature Of Trolls and gave him that extremely helpful
 reminder, since empty has obviously never been capable
 of deciding on his own what's worth his time and what isn't.
 (According to Barry, at least.)

 AmIright, empty? AmIright?

 (snicker chortle snort)


 > They don't

 > care about that. ALL that they care about is that they got
> you to argue with them.

 Hey, who's the "they" here that empty has been arguing with,

 (whoop cackle guffaw)

 God, he's funny when he gets into Pompous Outraged Mode.
 He's virtually guaranteed to make one embarrassing blooper
 after another, and he sure didn't disappoint this time.


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